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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by wrestleryu Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:11 pm

Yori Nazuka vs Ataru Toranami - Special Cage Match: Yori has to smother her opponent out twice to win - Ataru has to escape from the cage to win

Ataru would rush his way to the ring giving running high-fives to the fans on his way, before climbing up with a swift leap. The crowd seemed to be quite hyped up by this energetic presentation... or maybe they were just eager to see the new female addition to the Tension roster in action again. The stipulations had not been revealed so far, even to himself, but he could clearly see the four walls made of metal bars suspended above the ring, ready to descend and lock down the contenders for a cage match.

Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) M7fWADZ

The young Japanese was expecting a tough, maybe even violent battle, having gathered a few informations on the new female wrestler. He had been told she was a powerhouse of a woman and with very good boxing skills too... so he figured he would have to face some muscular tomboy in a hard tussle, with lots of punching kicking and technical moves awaiting him tonight.

Or, that was the idea until he heard the ring announcer start to explain for the first time the rules for this match:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next contest is a Special Cage Match for your enterteinement!!! Will the young and quick Ataru SNEAK OUT the cage and come out victorious??? Or.... will the strong and beautiful Yori SMOTHER HIM OUT 2 times and show that women are the stronger sex???"

"What the heck....?!!  Sneak out.... or be S-SMOTHERED OUT???", Ataru would try to protest at such weird rules, realizing that he had just been tricked once again into an embarrassing kind of stipulation, but his words went lost within the big roar of approval from the fans. Anyway, his embarrassed train of thoughts would be soon stopped as the spotlights turned towards the ramp, anticipating the next appearance of Ataru's opponent.

Last edited by wrestleryu on Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-07

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by xalex Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:33 pm

All the lights in the arena where pointing on the top of the ramp right now and it would become quiet for some moments. But then after some moment music started to play. Porcelain Black - One Woman Army

In the next moment a woman in sport bra and sport shorts would step right onto the ramp. She would look around with a smile on her face and look around. Slowly lifting her hands over her head she would start to turn a bit and move her hips in circles. The fans were starting to explode and were cheering directly for her. Yori would smile before starting to walk down the ramp slowly towards the ring. While walking she moved her hips pretty much.

When she reached the ring she would start walking up the stairs to the apron and stop on top. She would turn her back to the ring and lean backwards over the top rope, showing of her big breats. After some moments she would stand normal again and bow down to enter the ring under the bottom rope, pushing her ass out pretty much. When she was inside the ring she would directly walk over to her opponent.

“Oh boy you are cute!”, she would touch his face with her right hand and smile friendly at him. “Hope you fight as good as you look!”

The fans were really jealous on Ataru that he was in this match and not they. The would boo him a bit. Yori was just smiling at him. He was really cute. She slowly bowed forward and kissed his forehead.


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Location : germany

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by wrestleryu Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:16 pm

When Yori showed up and started to sway her hips in almost hypnotic circles, Ataru could not help but be captivated like just like everyone else in the arena by her teasing presentation show.
"Ow ow... she is definitely well equipped for a smother match", Ataru would feel mesmerized but not very reassured when she used the ropes to arch backwards and show an impressive amount of cleavage to the now totally blushing boy, kind of giving him a hint about where he was going to end up for her victory.

Awestruck, he could only stay there with a silly flushed face, which would hardly make him look like a "dangerous macho" as the towering voluptuous beauty sensually walked at him. Yori had probably thought so, according to what she did next, leaning down to plant a soft kiss to his forehead that made Ataru blush like a shy little boy.

"Uhhh... t-thank you... *blush* ...And...I honestly hope that you fight a little less good than you look. Otherwise I don't stand a chance 0///0", the cute boy would manage to reply, trying to get back his straight thinking. But from his stuttering and shy compliment Yori could say that she had the little gentleman hooked and somewhat 'under her spell'.

With the cage locked and secured around the contenders, the bell wuld ring just immediately after Yori's motherly-teasing kiss, catching Ataru more than a little bit unprepared.
"Ahh...g-good luck for the match then... 0///0", he would say, stepping in for a starting collarbone-shoulder lockup, trying to push the bigger girl towards the ropes but unable to come out with any strategic idea on what to do next.

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-07

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by xalex Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:02 am

Yori would smile at the smaller one with a bright smile on her face when she saw him flush so badly. She didn´t want to embers him like that but it looked like she did it. His face was glowing red after her kiss, but look like the small one had some manners and wished her good luck for the match, what made her smile a bit.

Suddenly without any warning she heard that the bell started to rung and opened the match. Before yori could wish her opponent good luck as well, the smaller man directly went into the match locking up with the taller woman and starting to push her backwards. Yori was pretty surprised about this and didn´t fought back much. So it came that she was pushed back against the ropes pretty soon. Slowly she would raise her hands up into the air showing that she didn´t plan to fight back here.

“Oh no handshake… looks like we have a bad boy here. You know starting of a match without a handshake is pretty mean… even if the bell already had run.” Suddenly she would put her hand onto his hair and pet him. “But I think you are just nervous, so this time I will look over it… but the next time you misbehave…” She would become a bit more quit. “I will have to put you over my knee!” She said although she was still pressed against the ropes and already felt the cold metal of the cage in her back.


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Join date : 2014-06-20
Location : germany

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by wrestleryu Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:31 pm

Ataru could not be more embarrassed than this now! Confused by Yori's motherly-seductive demaneor, he had totally lacked of sportmanship there, much to his own shame!
"Ah...! That... I am sorry. I was not meaning to get a cheap advantage there...", Ataru would immediately step back, not pressing the starting advantage and holding out a late hand for the taller woman to clench.

Though, his slightly embarrased face would soon become red when he heard the last part of her teasing motherly reprimand. "Put me.. over her knee..??? What the...??? 0///0"
That one left Ataru out of words. With her soft speaking and her petting his hair comfortingly, Yori was definitely acting like if he was not a really opponent to her, but more of some kind of cute little child that she was going to discipline on the ring, either in a softer... or a more stern way.
And the most uneasing part was that with her mature charm, plus the big height and size gap in her favor, Ataru would actually look like a cute little boy in her presence!

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-07

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by xalex Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:49 pm

YOri was smiling at the smaller one. Slowly she would take his hand and shake it slowly. “For a good match!” She would look him right into the eyes. After she would let go of his hands she would slowly step backwards finding herself still back against the wall. She would move her right shoulder a bit before looking at the smaller one thinking that he was attaking before she stopped him, so if she would attack him next it would be mean from her.

So she would waive the smaller one over. “It was your turn… so come on hit me!”, would she demand from the smaller boy while slowly putting her arms in front of her head, like she would go for a boxing match. She would watch him closely. “And dare you think about holding back… I can take some good hits although I am a little bit older then you… I am still on the top!” She would get ready for his next attack. She wanted to see what the boy was made of.


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Location : germany

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by wrestleryu Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:15 pm

Ataru would finally re-gain a composture as the curvy, towering beauty assumed her fighting stance... a boxing stance to be more accurate!

No matter what, he was not going to hold back but he was not going to start the match trying to hit such beautiful lady with punches and kicks either, and so he would cautiously start to circle Yori, seeking for an opening but also pay attention to some possible jabs that she might throw right into his face if he got distracted.

"Oh I have no doubt that you are in great shape Yori-san. But I am not willing to be.. uhh... s-smothered into defeat, not to mention losing in that way twice! Let's give our best... here I come!".

Not only Ataru's attack was not a sneaky one this time... but he even warned Yori! Feinting a clothesline, he would instead choose to lunge and dive forward into trying to tackle her down at waist height.

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-07

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by xalex Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:30 pm

Yori watched her smaller opponent starting to cycle her a bit. She keeps her arms up in guard and was ready for him. She wouldn´t give him an easy game with her. After all she was new around here and she got to prove that she earns her place to be here… Backstage she often heard that she was maybe a little bit too old to be here, that she should give this spot to a younger woman.

But Yoir was not only a woman delivering a great show with her looks. She was a real fighter, she fought before the most girl around here where born!

Suddenly she heard the small one screaming out that he would come. Yori needed to smile. He was such a nice and polite boy… one day it would come back to him and bite him, but not today.

Yori saw that the boy got his arm ready for a clothesline, so she put both of her hands arm ready to block it. But the moment she had her arms up her lower body was totally unprotected. And this was a big mistake, and then suddenly the boy was bowing down and hit her with a tackle against her waist. The Japanese woman would scream out in pain when she was thrown backwards. She hit the cage hard back first, before slowly slipping down before hanging in the ropes for the moment. She was a bit dizzy and moaned out loudly. He head was hanging down.


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Join date : 2014-06-20
Location : germany

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by wrestleryu Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:48 pm

Ataru would let out a faint groan at the impact. As expected from her looks, Yori was a voluptuous woman but she definitely had muscles under that velvety skin and well round curves.

But the tall female surely had taken the worst part of his tackle, also because of the steel cage not exactly softening the hit. And thus she was now hanging on the ropes catching her breathing.

Ataru was not happy to see such a lovely woman in troubles... but this was a wrestling match after all so he needed to press his advantage while he had it.
The young boy knew that the rules of this match required him to just escape from the cage to win... but he obviously needed to perform some big move if he wanted to get the cahnce to climb those steel walls.

And so... Ataru was tempted into a not very strategic attempt at a power move: Pulling Yori to himself, the smaller boy would try to slip one hand between her legs and groan in exertion, willing to scoop her up for a body slam.
Probably not the smartest move to try on such a bigger opponent, and this early in the match too.

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-07

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Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete) Empty Re: Yori vs Ataru - Special rules cage match (complete)

Post by xalex Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:06 pm

Yori felt how her opponent suddenly got a hold on her and pulling her away from the ropes. It was no nice place to stay there but she now that the boy couldn´t had something good in mind right now. After all this was a match and he wanted t o win as well.

But what he had in mind was still dame surprising for her after a short set up, the tall woman felt how her feet lost the contact to the floor. Very slowly she was lifted from the ground and put onto the shoulder of her opponent. She needed to scream out in shock when she saw herself up in the air. That was pretty impressive from the smaller one to lift Yori up. After all Yori was tall… and she knew that she was pretty heavy…
In the next moment she suddenly felt that it was going downwards again and she was slammed onto the mat with a body slam. Yori would scream out in pain when her body hit the floor. She would roll around a bit, holding her upper back. That was pretty surprising and hit her unprepared, but now she knew that he was capable to pull out some power moves.


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Location : germany

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