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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Bianca Garcia
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Panther Risako
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Piper Sherwood
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Looking for my first match!

Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:32 pm by CaptainL

Hey there! Just got my first profile approved, and I'm ready to get started at AFW. Hit me up on Discord or DMs if you want to discuss things!

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Match request

Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:09 am by Nurin

Hai saya Nurin and I wish to have my first match here you can pick any of my girls (if you pick one of the hellhounds it will either be handicap or tag) for a match

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Femdom matches with smothers in mixed matches

Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:01 am by jdo_sss

If anyone has any female characters that needs more wins and uses moves like stinkface, breast smother etc let me know message me on discord thanks


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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by Valicon Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:33 pm

"Come on Rareta, Come on, you can do this" Backstage before her big debut, the nervous pinkette paced back and forth trying to psych herself up. She was nervous and shy by nature and given that she would now have to do in public what she had so far done only in private with her coach Rebecca Owens. Several staff members would note the look on her face and try to offer her words of encouragement but she was just too nervous to even hear them. In fact she almost missed her cue, but thankfully she returned to earth just in time to rush to the stage...but then peak out and nearly faint when she beheld so many people. As the moments ticked by and her music continued to play with any sign of Rareta the crowd began to get antsy. Still her legs were jelly and there was nothing she could do to force herself out there. "Oh...I can't do this!" She would complain to herself as she slumped down by the stage entrance, too scared to even move out onto the ramp down. That is until some fans close to the stage who could see, saw the pinkette and slowly a positive cheer went up of "Go go Rareta!" Nearly crying from. This showing she finally plucked up the nerve and stepped out, trying not to look at the crowd but with hints of a smiled she finally made her way into the ring to await her debut opponent.

Valicon's Roster

Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by SimplyMoon Sun Jul 04, 2021 2:07 pm

Grizzly would come up bouncing on both of her feet in a partial side to side way, coming out right on time as always. The old hand heel was definitely in the later stages of her career but here in the AFW she could continue her fame and legacy. She'd roar almost as she came out on to the stage, living up to her bear woman moniker, smiling as she wanted what was very likely a newbie down at the ring.

She'd hustle down the ramp, sliding up into the ring as she raised her hands up in a show. Grizzly was a big strong woman and you could tell that easily as she got up on to one of the turnbuckles, flexing an arm out just to show it, "Give me a good show alright, I'm not going easy on ya just 'cause you are new."

Posts : 1825
Join date : 2017-04-25
Age : 27

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by Valicon Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:07 pm

Rareta squeaked in fright at the roar her opponent gave off. Her confidence just barely hanging on by that thread from earlier. Looking up into the face of the older and larger woman as she enter, the pinkette knew this was going to be a really tough fight. She would face Yamoto her body trembling all over with nerves and fear, but the thought of bringing dishonor to her mentor keeping her in place. "Ummm...I'll certainly try. I...I... I don't want you to go easy on me. That would shame my teacher and I could not stand that." She settled herself into the fighting stance that Rebecca had taught her and prepared for the bell.

Valicon's Roster

Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by SimplyMoon Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:38 am

"Well then, you better not shame her, after all you are facing the beat now, I ain't playin' with kid gloves against you here," she says squatting partially as she awaited the bell to ring and smirking towards what was very increasingly obviously a rookie wrestler with little experience at that. An easy win she could say, but one that was just part of the business, everyone had to take their lumps some how and for Rareta this time appeared to be now.

Posts : 1825
Join date : 2017-04-25
Age : 27

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by Valicon Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:48 am

Rareta fought every instinct which told her to flee. This woman was bigger, stronger, and clearly more experienced than the little Egyptian Heiress. But Rareta also had a mission to not shame the teaching of the one who initial broke her out of her shell. So while Grizzly squared, Rareta mental steeled herself and prepared to strike first.

When the bell rang, she would shoot forward and around the larger woman. Her goal to use the ropes behind Grizzly as a step ladder, showing off her incredible Agility as she effortlessly ran up the turnbuckle to turn and deliver a swift kick to her head.

Valicon's Roster

Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by SimplyMoon Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:32 pm

Grizzly was sure that Rareta wouldn't prove to be much a challenge to her, and so once the bell rang the lumbering form of her didn't take the steps to move quickly, instead taking her time. This proved to be far more a mistake as she found herself too slow to stop Rareta as she snaked around her. She was rather impressed, seeming that her young opponent had managed to get around her easily without much issue.

"What?!" she spoke just before she was struck in the back of the head, sending her down to her knees.

Posts : 1825
Join date : 2017-04-25
Age : 27

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by Valicon Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:48 pm

Not for nothing was she the only student that Rebecca had ever taken. Rareta was fast and agile and as long as she kept moving she was certain she had the advantage. Lining up her next hit, white outfit fluttering as she moved along the ropes like an acrobat, she jumps off looking to do a falling heel kick to the back of Grizzly. "Ummm. How is this this for uhhhh not playing."

Valicon's Roster

Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by SimplyMoon Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:41 pm

Grizzly slowly staggered up only for her to receive another kick from the back, a heel kick that struck the back of her head and brought her again back to her knees. This teacher of Rareta's had sure taught her well, too well and she was getting rather annoyed as she could barely even stand back up for the moment. She wasn't speedy and if this small wrestler could continue to do stuff like this then it wouldn't end well for her, humiliated by a rookie.

She'd get back on to her feet, bracing herself once again as she moved away, trying to make some distance and keep her back towards the ropes. Grizzly didn't want Rareta to get behind her again.

Posts : 1825
Join date : 2017-04-25
Age : 27

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by Valicon Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:32 pm

"Just keep moving, don't give them a chance to catch you" these words were going through her head right now as she considered her next move. Her opponent had become more cautious, this limited her options but she thought she had a way, it was risky, but it might just work. She would charge straight at Grizzly Yamamoto, make it look like she was going for so kind of head on attack. Her goal however was to go low, slide under her opponent and pop up behind her again and this time climb up her to try and go for a sleeper hold.

Valicon's Roster

Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

Post by SimplyMoon Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:44 pm

Grizzly would see Rareta coming at her head on, a foolish mistake for a smaller opponent like her. So the veteran stood her ground until the last moment, moving forward in order to attempt a counter tackle before she was tricked. Grabbed from behind, her arms would shoot up as she found herself now caught in a dangerous sleeper hold. She had left her guard down even while it was up, not accounting for the speed of which was used to slip through her defenses.

Posts : 1825
Join date : 2017-04-25
Age : 27

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Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen  Empty Re: Standard Match: Grizzly Yamato vs Rareta St. Helen

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