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Femdom matches with smothers in mixed matches

Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:01 pm by jdo_sss

If anyone has any female characters that needs more wins and uses moves like stinkface, breast smother etc let me know message me on discord thanks


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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Post by Cicilia Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:40 am

Lucky sighed softly as she stripped off her general work-out gear, stepping into the Gym shower with her favorite soap-bar and shampoo in hand! It had been such a LONG day... After that match with Claudia, Lucky's recovery had been SLOW and her energy levels had dropped by quite a margin! She could barely even keep up with her regular exercise routine... but she was trying anyway, dang it! Her muscles still burned a little as she used them, her ability to being stunted by bouts of exhaustion... but over time, she'd noticed herself getting back into the swing of things!

Today had been one of those days! She had gone to the gym, feeling better than she had in weeks... and she actually went above and beyond! Wow! She was feeling stronger and stronger! If that were true, then why didn't she go home to her own shower and use that one instead of the Gym's that EVERYONE used...?

...Well... She was kinda lazy...

Also, she didn't feel like walking around town all sweaty and gross today... and so... here she was!

Pulling the curtain closed behind her, Lucky cranked the nozzle on the wall, streams of hot, steamy water falling down upon her!

"Ahhhhhhhh.....~!" She moaned happily, running her hands down her chest and sides! "It feels greeeeeeeeat~!" So wondrous was this cleansing liquid heat, the entirety of the world and all it's potential dangers just... faded away into nothingness... a void she need not concern herself with... She was in heaven right now... and that's all that mattered... Grabbing the bar of soap, she suds-ed up her hands, rubbing her bubble-covered fingers all over to break down that sweat... filling her shower with the smell of cherry-blossoms!

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by daemongirl Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:51 pm

As the hentai champion Natasha Loclear felt it was her responsibility to keep tabs on the rest of the division, taking note of women who might serve as the next challenger for her belt and more importantly looking for up and coming talent. She wasn't unique in that like every other champion who had come before she was going to lose the title one day, hopefully a day far off but it was inevitable. So before that day came Natasha was determined to leave the hentai division stronger than ever, which meant doing her best to promote the hentai brand and to develop the next generation of wrestlers to take over when her run was done.

It was for that reason Natasha found herself down at the AFW gym, conversing with one of the clerks at the front desk who confirmed the women she was looking for had indeed arrived some time ago and had yet to leave. Natasha was dressed casually in a blue tank top, cut a bit low to show off some cleavage, with a white jacket and a black skirt, a pair of knee high black leather boots and blue leggings to match the top. It was enough to draw the attention of most in the room when she had walked in and that was all she could ask for.

"Thanks for the help, I'll just go in and find her if you don't mind." The clerk bowed her head and Natasha stepped into the gym proper, beginning her search for one Yayuuki Sakura, otherwise known as Lucky.

Word had gotten to Natasha from a referee friend of her's about a hotel match between two up and coming stars in the hentai division with Lucky managing to pick up the win after a long and grueling contest. Interest piqued, the bluenette watched the footage with more than a little bit of pausing and rewinding, finding much to love with both women who impressed Natasha not only with their sexual skills but their drives to win as well. Neither one lacked for stamina or desire that was for sure.

So after reaching out to her contacts around the AFW Natasha had only waited a couple of days before she heard that Sakura had checked into the gym. Now here she was armed with a photo and a name, asking around until one of the other women working out pointed her in the direction of the lockers. "Merci." She said with a quick nod of her head before heading into an empty locker room, Natasha searching about with no luck and was about to move on when she heard the shower turn on. Sensing she had found her target Natasha laid down the photo and her bag before walking into the showers where she was immediately hit with a wave of heat and moisture coming from the one running shower head. The curtain was pulled shut so she stopped right outside it, her dark silhouette clear through the curtain as was the outline of Lucky.

"Sorry to interrupt your peaceful shower but might you be one Yayuuki Sakura? I was told I could find you here, hope you don't mind."

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:20 pm

"Hmmmmmhmmmmmm mmmmmmhmmmmmmm...." Lucky hummed softly, crafting a shower-song as she scrubbed soap into her long, silver hair! She new it wasn't good for the skin to take showers and bathes every day... She knew it dried it out and stuff but how could something that felt this GOOD have such bad results??? There wasn't many times (even in bed with other HOT ladies) where she felt as good as she did when she was all warm, wet and clean! Suds rolling over her buxom chest... water running down her back... the steam wafting over her most sensitive areas... There was just something so PURIFYING about it... a feeling you just couldn't get anywhere els-


Sakura squeaked as the unexpected voice of someone unexpected unexpectedly chimed through the shower-showers... unexpectedly! The cheerleader's form instantly shivered with shock, whirling around to see the silhouette of a.... rather gifted lady standing just outside her shower! She thought she recognized her voice... maybe even had gotten excited for it for a moment... but maybe she was wrong...? Maybe the hiss of the shower-head was distorting it....?

Cranking off the squeaky shower nozzle, Lucky turned back to the curtain, walking up to it and pulling it open... just enough to poke her head out!

"OH! It's no trouble!" She assured with a wide, happy smile upon her lips! "Just give me a moment and I'll b.....buh...buh... be...." Lucky's eyes shot wide as she processed the figure of the woman before her, the long blue hair, the massively perfect assets and figure, the voice coming into focus as the third component... Sakura's jaw dropped, her emerald eyes widening, her grip on the curtain slacking, allowing it to slide more open, revealing her naked figure!

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She squealed, jumping for joy before Natasha, her head nearly hitting the curtain rack above... and slipping on the wet, slick, soapy tile below! "Y-YOU'RE NATASHA, HENTAI CHAMPION! OH! EHM! GEEEE! I'M TALKING TO A CELEBRITY!!!!!"

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by daemongirl Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:46 pm

Now that she thought about it Natasha probably should have tried to make some more noise when stepping into the shower room, it hadn't been her intention to spook the poor woman but mistakes had been made and there was no helping it now. "Oh my apolegies I didn't mean to scare you love." Natasha called out after hearing the yelp, having watched the figure twirl about to face the voice coming from behind the curtain she half expected her to slip and fall in her clear shock. The whole scene was rather comical though and she couldn't help but giggle into the palm of her hand at the sight.

"Are you alright?" She felt it polite to ask, Lucky able to hear the French accent flavoring Natasha's words better now that she had turned the shower off. A moment later the curtain was pulled aside just enough for a cute face to peek at Natasha who gave the woman a quick wave as there was no mistaking that this was the very woman she had been searching for.

It seemed however that she wasn't the only one who recognized the other. Lucky started off calm and collected, being entirely pleasant despite having just been snuck up on in the showers more or less, but it didn't take long for her to begin tripping over her words as her mind figured out just who it was she was speaking with. "But a moment?" Natasha offered, trying to help the woman find her words to no avail as the curtain slid completely open revealing a dripping wet and still soapy Lucky! This was not her first time seeing her in the nude of course, there had been plenty of that in the match footage she watched, but as always it was quite a different experience seeing such a striking girl in person.

Natasha's eyes went wide as Lucky's squeal of a yell filled the room and undoubtedly the locker room outside as well, the Frenchwoman leaning back in her own surprise as she watched Lucky nearly bang her head on the curtain bar and barely maintain her footing on the slick tile. The scream that followed was no less loud though this one came with words, including her name, champion status, and the accusation that she was a celebrity which she supposed she was. "The uhh one in the same! Which makes you Lucky, right? I'd hate to have bothered someone and they weren't even the person I was looking for."

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by Cicilia Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:27 am

"Oh.... mah... god... She knows who I aaaaaaam!" Lucky continued to fan-girl, her excitement reaching new and greater heights! Although her voice had softened to a whisper, her expression displayed no less than the best of fandom! She felt as if she were gonna pass out right here on the floor right now from how light-headed this excitement was making her! She never thought... not even ONCE that she'd ever get to even LOOK at Natasha in person, let alone TALK to her like this! The life of a champion was no doubt a very busy one, no time for commoners like Sakura! ...And... and did she hear that she was being LOOKED for??? By THE Hentai champ of the AFW??? She had no idea what she could've EVER done to deserve this but... Wow! OKAY!

"NO! Nonononono! I am Yayuuki Sakura! Lucky is me!" She assured with a quick nervous laugh, not at all noticing how exposed she was. After all, who had time for that when you were talking to THE current Idol??? "I'm just... Wow... I'm talking to the Hentai champion... That NEVER happens! I'm... like... REALLY lucky right now!" Sakura giggled at her own unintended joke but in all honesty... she had no idea what she'd done to deserve the attention of this blue-haired goddess! Was it that she heard of her manga-in-progress? Was it that she'd seen Sakura fight and was ACTUALLY impressed with her???

...Could it possibly be hentai related...?

Sakura's mind was aflutter with possiblities, the poor little girl SHAKING with anticipation of what was to come! Natasha was even more beautiful in person than she was on TV... It was a wonder how she kept herself planted here... and not kissing the heeeeeeeeck outta her right now!

"SO! Um... What can I do for you?" She asked sweetly, flashing the champion a cute little wink! "I'll... like... do anything!"

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by daemongirl Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:54 pm

Natasha wasn't a stranger to people going a tad bit crazy when first meeting her, AFW wrestlers were celebrities in their own right and that was doubly true when it came to the league's champions. That being said Lucky was taking things to another level and Natasha wasn't quite sure what to say so she fell back on her well practiced response when dealing with any fan, holding up her hands palms facing Sakura while smiling warmly for the girl. "Indeed I am who you say, its alwys a pleasure to meet fans of mine like yourself. Lovely to meet you Yayuuki Sakura, or Lucky if thats alright with you." Natasha figured it would be but it was always a good idea to ask people these things, some folk around the AFW took their names and persona very seriously though she wasn't getting any sort of vibe like that from this one.

Onto business though, she had come here with a goal in mind after all. "And indeed I do know who you are and came looking for you. You see as the Hentai Champion I feel its my responsibility to help grow the division, whether that means recruiting new talent or helping to develop existing talent, like yourself. You might be new but you showed great promise in your match with Claudia and I wanted to reach out and let you know I see great things in the future for you!" Natasha had rehearsed that a few times on the way over, though she hadn't expected to meet the girl quite like this.

Looking down she couldn't exactly help but notice the state of dress Lucky was in, that being the distinct lack of dress, the woman's quite appealing figure dripping wet with Natasha's eyes following one particular bead of water run down the front of Lucky's body. Blinking as the water droplet hit the tile floor Natasha returned her eyes to the girl's face. "I'd be happy to talk with you more, would you like to get dressed first?" She giggled and only now gestured at Lucky's naked body.

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Age : 33

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:19 pm

"Oh! Please call me 'Lucky'! All my friends do and I'd be... like... SO honored to count you among them, Natasha-sama!" She smiled hugely, admiration and excitement practically radiating off the cheerleader! She had been following Natasha ever since she had taken the title from the previous champion in what was perhaps one of the best hentai-matches she had EVER watched! In fact, it was maybe one of the reasons why she decided to take up the art in the first place... that and being able to satisfy her own desires and fetishes, she wasn't gonna lie! In any case, Sakura was still trying to figure out what could POSSIBLY bring Natasha her way... what could she have done to grab her attention?

...Well, she was about to find out!

Lucky blinked slowly as she processed what the champion was explaining to her, that it was HER duty as champion to help expand the division of Hentai... She BLUSHED heavily as said champion mentioned her match with Claudia, how she had shown GREAT promise despite how new she was to the scene!

...Was this a dream...? Could it be that she was being honestly complimented by the woman who held the belt!? Lucky's gaze flicked down towards her feet, a soft, nervous giggle escaping her lips as her face flashed an even deeper shade of red. She wasn't embarassed.... but she WAS humbled... She... couldn't help but wonder how many other girls would...well... FIGHT for them to be in this position, to talk to the woman who had kissed, fondled and loved all the way to the top and that Lucky had gotten here without even trying to!

Heh..."Lucky" IS RIGHT!

"Thank you..."
She murmured softly, sweetly, flashing the champion a nervous smile. Because she wasn't looking directly at the celebrity in front of her, she didn't quite see the look she was being given, the eyes of Natasha scanning her form... It was only when she commented upon it did Lucky actually PROCESS that she was naked, her cheeks practically STEAMING with the blush that had flooded into them now!

"OH! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" She fumbled over herself, snatching her town up from outside the shower and running behind the lockers almost comedically fast! "I-I'll be just a moment!"

...After a minute or so, Sakura had dawned her signature outfit resembling her school uniform, what with her orange sweater vest over a white button up, skirt black knee-high socks and pink slippers! All of it hugged her body most complimentary, but not revealingly, showing off only a vague outline of her curves... but obvious enough to any who looked.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled again, flashing Natasha an apologetic smile. "Um... S-so... What do ya wanna talk about?"

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by daemongirl Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:12 pm

What else was a woman to do when faced with such an honest and enthusiastic admirer but to nod her head and smile? "Well Lucky it is then but please, you don't have to address me so formally. Where I'm from people would sometimes call me Ms.Loclear or my lady, similar to being addressed with sama here. Just call me Natasha though, theres no need for honorifics here where we often wrestle in the nude don't you think?" Natasha chuckled as she posed the question to Lucky whose eyes seemed to be glued to the floor now, a familiar crimson hue appearing in the woman's cheeks that made Natasha's smile all the wider.

In this place where modesty was a rare trait to find she knew Lucky wasn't embarrassed, what she was seeing now was humility and it was just further proof that Lucky was exactly who she had hoped she was. Despite her ability in the art of pleasure Lucky had a cheerful innocence to her, she wasn't the type of person to pull cheap tricks or outright cheat, she just seemed to love what she did and was quite good at it. Though Natasha suspected she could be devious it would be the playful kind, all in service to enjoying greater pleasure with the best around.

Then came a reaction that Natasha didn't see coming, she had just assumed Lucky knew she was naked and like her didn't worry about modesty amongst her fellow women on the roster, but a sudden deepening of that blush told her that Lucky simply hadn't noticed until just that moment. It was too comical for Natasha to resist giggling as Lucky stumbled over herself to wrap up in a towel before darting behind the lockers, moving so fast Natasha almost slipped on the slick floor just trying to keep up with the woman with her eyes!

"Oh no need to apolegize! I didn't mind believe me." The giggling continued as she followed into the locker area, taking a seat on a bench waiting for Sakura to come on out from behind the lockers. When she did reappear a minute later Natasha was greeted to the sight of Lucky wearing a schoolgirl style outfit. A cute number that did quite the opposite of what most of Natasha's ring attire did, covering her up quite well while still giving a hint to the wonderful curves underneath. It was far more practical than her own outfits but still looked good on Sakura.

"Well thats up to you I suppose, here take a seat." Natsha patted the spot on the bench beside her, waiting for Lucky to sit or decline her offer before continuing. "I wanted to meet you myself and get a better handle on who you are. I feel like I've already learned a good deal so is there anything I can do for you? Questions you might have, advice you want?"

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:00 pm

Lucky tilted her head, confused as to what Natasha meant by the direction of this conversation depending on her... She had assumed that the Champion had something specific to tell her, something SHE wanted to ask... It would turn out, as Lucky sat herself down beside Natasha, that she was more curious about the cheerleader's questions than her own! Lucky giggled, her face awash with a modest blush as the blue-haired beauty admitted that she had came here merely to find out MORE about her, see what kind of person Lucky was... and to see if there was anything SHE could do for her! Were Natasha not sitting right beside her right now, Sakura might've just FAINTED from the utter shock of this moment, the poor girl almost completely overwhelmed... She had never thought herself worthy... A request she had never thought she could have answered but... If Natasha asked... Sh-shouldn't she try anyway...?

Taking a deep breath, Sakura turned to face Natasha, looking her in the eye as best she could with a shaky, nervous gaze! She had been so nice to her up until now... So kind and caring... mentor-like even! They were so close, her lips TINGLED with the need to press themselves against the other woman's... and she could likely see that desire hidden within her eyes... But something else was more important to her than that... Yes, even kissing one of the most beautiful women took a back seat to this request:

"U-um... C-could I... maybe... have a match with you...?" She asked, her voice soft, nervous, afraid she was reaching too far! "I-I mean... I would love it if I could! Going head to head with you... It... would make me happy..." She smiled shakily before her emerald eyes fell once again, her hands folded TIGHTLY between her legs!

"...A-and... C....could I kiss you...?"
...Hey, just because it took a back seat didn't mean her needs were that far behind!

In her mind, Natasha had no reason to accept any of these requests. She was just an up-and-coming greenhorn with only a few displays of talent to her name. Someone as prestigious and GORGEOUS as Natasha MUST have had standards higher than her, a mere cheerleader themed wrestler! Still... she couldn't help but ask, even though she knew her chances were slim... Even... if it meant possibly pushing the curious champion away...

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

Post by daemongirl Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:08 pm

Natasha could tell she had caught Lucky by surprise in more ways than one it seemed, Lucky apparently not sure what to do now that she had Natasha at her disposal. She was unsure at first andtThen there was a shift in Lucky's demeanor as the woman took the offered seat beside Natasha, a seriousness to her that hadn't been there before. It seemed she was giving the questions she would ask of the champion deep consideration, showing a different side to herself than the bubbly girl she had met in the shower. It checked another box on the list of traits Natasha was looking for and while she could see just how nervous Lucky was in that moment, she knew Sakura wasn't going to let that stop her.

Now Natasha was just curious what exactly the woman was thinking about, was she about to ask for some advice about her career or wrestling in general? Or maybe there was someone she thought Natasha could introduce her to or a place in town she wanted help getting into. So caught up in trying to guess what Lucky was about to say Natasha was leaning towards her, a warm smile on her lips as the anticipation was becoming too much.

"Yes?" She finally asked, now only a foot or so away from Lucky. It was now Natasha's turn to be surprised as Lucky asked the last thing she had expected, leaving the blunette blinking for a few moments while she tried to find a reply.

A match? Sure it wasn't unusual for her to get these requests but now that she was champion again they were far fewer than before, yet here Lucky's first thought was to ask for one! Then again maybe she should've seen this coming with how enthralled by her Lucky appeared to be That explained her sudden nervousness too. Regardless she didn't want to leave her hanging for too long, she didn't want to stress her out anymore than she must have already had. Yet before she could answer Lucky added a second request, one that had Natasha giggling with how sincere it was.

"My aren't you forward!" Natasha chuckled as she leaned back, wanting to come off as taking her entirely seriously even if she couldn't help giggling a little bit. "Its not exactly what I had in mind when I came looking for you, but you didn't ask for something I can't give you, nor something I wouldn't want to give you truth be told. You're perfectly lovely and you show a lot of raw talent so Lucky, consider yourself just that as I accept your match request." She nodded her head, being professional in that moment at least. "It won't be a title match mind you and I feel its best we keep it simple, what would you suggest?"

Natasha posed this new question to her and then leaned in close once more, closer actually as she brought herself within several inches of Lucky's face. "As for the other request, just one."

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I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha) Empty Re: I'M TALKING TO A CHAMPION!!!! (Natasha)

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