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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Glutton for Punishment

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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by LARIATO Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:45 pm

After spending most of their spar until now under Sig’s control, a slam like that was just what Minerva needed. Her feisty pet was down on the mat, and the raven haired beauty took a couple moments to massage her back while catching her breath, before starting to move closer to Sig to press her offensive.

However, Sig did an excellent job of playing possum, genuinely convincing the tall woman her slam had inflicted more damage than it had. And just when Minerva came within arm’s reach, her legs were once again swept from under her, causing her to topple down and fall onto her back right next to the blonde.

“Agh!” she grunted, arching her torso while a hand instinctively moved to cover the aching spot. But she knew this was a bad spot to be in. And if Sig hadn’t already moved to try to take advantage of it, Minerva would try to roll off to the side in hopes of creating enough distance between them to allow herself to get back to her feet again.


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:06 pm

Sig grinned as she heard Minerva crashed to the mat, and she'd roll onto her hands and knees to prepare herself for the next offense. Her mistress was smart enough to move herself rather than staying at where she was, but the blonde simply smirked as she silently stalked the raven haired beauty. She didn't want to pounce right away, keeping her distance instead while allowing Minerva to get some false state of security. After a couple of seconds, though, Sig would attempt to step on the back of Minerva with her foot to stop the taller girl.

"Going somewhere, mistress~?"

She'd put enough weight to prevent her mistress from getting up for a bit, since it'd be a position that would probably embarrass the raven haired beauty. Obviously she couldn't hold the pose for too long, so Sig would try to get down and trap Minerva's waist with a body scissor instead to keep her mistress in control.


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by LARIATO Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:09 pm

Considering she had been forced down to the mat without a plan of action once she got there, trying to move away from Sig certainly seemed like the smart move to make. But it seemed she might’ve waited too long to do so, as the woman’s foot pressed down against her wounded back to hold her in place.

“Urgh...” she grunted, both in frustration and discomfort. Now that frustration and embarrassment was starting to return again as she was pinned down beneath Sig’s foot. Fortunately, she wouldn’t have to endure it for long. But unfortunately, there was worse to come, as the blonde then wrapped her legs around Minerva’s waist with a body scissor.

“Agh! Dammit!” she shouted out, cringing in pain as Sig’s legs squeezed her. Instinctively, Minerva moved her hands to try to pry her pet’s legs apart. But the chances were that wasn’t going to be enough to free her from this position. If that didn’t work, she’d soon raise a fist, then begin to hammer it down against Sig’s thigh in an attempt to make her release the hold, or at least loosen it enough for her to escape.


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Age : 31

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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:28 am

"Mmmhh... I guess not..." Sig purred as she held Minerva within the body scissor, rolling her head back slightly as the feeling of her legs squeezing her mistress' midsection raised her excitement.

The raven haired beauty began to pry her legs apart in no time, but she tried to keep the scissor tight for as long as possible. That only prompted Minerva to try harder, in the form of hammering her thigh with the girl's fist time and time again.

"Oughh...! Mmhh...!" the blonde half moaned again as she kept trying to hold her mistress for a bit longer. "Oh, you're so rough, mistress..." she teased while half grimacing from the pain.

Eventually, Sig would let Minerva go, and give her mistress a little push with her foot so she could get some distance and nurse her leg for a bit. It wasn't a crippling pain, but without a doubt it'd be if she held on for much longer.


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by LARIATO Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:18 pm

Minerva only grunted in response to Sig’s teasing comment, trying to only focus on getting out of her hold. Fortunately, the punches raining down onto the blonde’s limb were enough to encourage her to uncoil her legs from around Minerva’s waist.

And as Sig shoved off of her with her foot and moved away, Minerva once again began to pant as she started picking herself up. Once back to her knees, she reached out to the nearby ropes for support as she pulled herself the rest of the way, keeping her eyes locked on Sig the entire way.

Trying to rush out at Sig from here would not only drain her energy, but it’d probably end just as badly as her first attempt to do so had. So instead, Minerva decided to keep acting like the pain she was enduring was even worse than it was, hoping to entice the blonde into trying her luck at taking the mistress down once again.


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:32 pm

Sig slowly picked herself up to her feet and saw that Minerva was clinging on the ropes at the moment. She smirked, knowing the possibility of a trap there, with her mistress acting all hurt to lure her. The blonde just pulled the same trick a short while ago after all, and Minerva, despite being injured to start with, wasn't exactly the most honest person in the earth to say the least.

Still, Sig wasn't too bothered to jump into a trap sometimes, especially if it's Minerva's. With this fight between them just being a spar, the most important thing for her was to have fun, and for her mistress to have fun as well. She had the dominant role for a bit, and now it's time to make up for it.

"You're not tired yet, aren't you, mistress~" she sang along while approaching Minerva at the ropes, aiming to haul the raven haired beauty back to her feet. "Cause I don't think I'm done yet, heh heh~"


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by LARIATO Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:46 pm

Minerva’s pre-existing injuries going into this spar were the selling point of her little ploy. Sig was right to assume the mistress might be setting some sort of trap, especially considering the blonde had just done the same thing moments ago. However, under the circumstances, Minerva being genuinely hurt and tired wasn’t an unlikely possibility by any means. And even if Sig didn’t spring the trap, it would allow Minerva time to recover, so long as she remained patient.

Sig had been free to have her fun for far too long. Minerva had to re-assert her dominance over her pet. If she failed to put the blonde back in her place now, what would stop Sig from getting even more rebellious over time? She hoped all the potential implications that ran through her mind were just her overreacting, but there was only one way she could be absolutely certain, and that was to put a stop to them before there could be any chance of them coming true.

She watched as her pet approached, taunting her as she drew near. And just when Sig reached out to grab her, Minerva reached her arms around the backs of the girl’s legs, and would then attempt to hoist her up, before taking a couple quick steps forward and driving Sig down onto her back with a spinebuster!


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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:54 pm

Minerva waited until the last moment to spring her trap, grabbing Sig's legs as she was about to pull the raven haired beauty up. The blonde was being too casual in her approach, and could only yelp as her lithe form was lifted up by her mistress.

There's another thumping sound that followed seconds later, and Sig ended up on the mat again, sprawled and groaning as the result of the slam. It might not hurt her too much, but Sig had been mostly taking slams in this spar, so the effect starting to stack now.



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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by LARIATO Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:36 pm

A couple heavy breaths left Minerva’s lips after she slammed Sig down to the mat, and her lips curled into a slight smirk. Things may not’ve been going the amazon’s way to this point, but now she was confident she had the opening she needed to turn everything back to the way it was all supposed to be, with the blonde helpless in her clutches.

“Not so feisty now, huh?” she said, moving to grab onto Sig’s legs with her arms. From there, Minerva would try to roll her pet onto her front and sit down on the girl’s back, bending and stretching her out in a boston crab. Would the hold by itself be enough to put Sig away? Probably not. But it would at least be a big step in the right direction.


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Join date : 2014-11-13
Age : 31

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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:47 pm

Before she could respond properly to Minerva's words, Sig felt her body being turned over, before the weight of her mistress was pressed on her back. Whatever she wanted to say only came out as an agonized cry as the raven haired beauty locked the Boston Crab hold, stretching the back that was just being slammed earlier.


Delicious as it was, Sig wasn't about to make it too easy for Minerva to take control. She'd try to squirm around as much as she could, hoping to make it too uncomfortable for her mistress to keep sitting on top of her. Not that she could do too much disruption considering their physical difference, but why would she stay still and let Minerva had her way so soon after being in control for a bit?



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Glutton for Punishment - Page 4 Empty Re: Glutton for Punishment

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