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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Spar: Princess Nocturnal vs Sailor Mercury (complete)

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PrincessNocturnal - Spar: Princess Nocturnal vs Sailor Mercury (complete) Empty Spar: Princess Nocturnal vs Sailor Mercury (complete)

Post by Kelsea Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:00 pm

(done some time ago)

Standard spar
Conditions for victory: pinfall or submission

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal was suited up and ready to go, although this time she'd only be competiting in a private match in the gym. She climbed up onto the apron and stepped through the ropes, sweeping her white cape back as she stood to her full height.. Proudly placing her fists against her hips as she waited for her opponent

sara_carter6969: Amy walked towards the ring nervously wearing her sailor scout uniform. When she got to the ring she put on knee up and slid under the ropes and proceeded to the oppoiste corner of Princess Nocturnal

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal studied Amy from the bottom of her eye lids as she entered, fists still placed firmly on her hips. But after a moment she decided that she couldn't see a villian in the other girl, perhaps with her costume she was a budding do-gooder... "Greetings.." Princess Nocturnal said with a posh English accent. "I hope to have a honourable match." She spoke, moving and reaching her hands out to shake Amy's

sara_carter6969: Amy stuck her hand out to shake and smiled " Me too!" She new that this girl was a friendly person just from that which made things a little easy in her mind but she was still very nervous

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal shook her hand firmly before taking a couple of steps back, she removed her cape so that it wouldn't get in the way and slung it over the ring ropes. After that she'll step back in, moving into a wrestling stance and trying to circle with Amy

sara_carter6969: "this is it" amyt hought as she was circling around the ring. She wanted to see how strogn this princess nocturnal girl was so she moved in and tried to grab her

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal moves forwards as she see the sailor scout lunging forwards for the grab. The purple haired heroine will reach her hands up to try and get into a lock up with the other girl, placing her hands on Amy's shoulders and trying to force her back with her strength, lowering her head slightly close to Mercury's shoulder

sara_carter6969: Amy locked up with Princess Nocturnal placign her hands on her shoulders. Amy will bend her knees to try to get leverage on the Princess so that she can try to overpower her. Amy knew that getting low might give her soem advantagein this test of strengh

kelseakk: "nnh.." Princess Nocturnal grunted out, despite Sailor Mercury being quite smaller then Princess Nocturnal, she was still quite strong. Princess Nocturnal took a couple of steps back in the lock up, letting out a deep breath against Amy's shoulder as she tried to change the position and pull her opponent down into a head lock

sara_carter6969: Amy fell rigth into Princess Nocturnals arms when the princess stepped back a few steps and Amy was stuck in a headlock. Amy's arms qucikly move to the princess's trying to free her head

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal grit her teeth as she immediately felt Sailor Mecury's hands trying loosen the head lock, making it difficult for the superheroine to apply pressure. Princess Nocturnal moved back to lean against the ropes, trying to give Sailor Mercury's head a little shake to get control of her

sara_carter6969: Amy did not wanna allow the princess to apply pressure she pulled and pulled but couldnt break loose. She got an idea but it was gonna hurt. Letting go of Princess Nocturnals arms she flexed her arms and felt the pressur on her head as she tried to swing her arms into the princesses ribs

kelseakk: "Ugh!" Princess Nocturnal gasped out as Amy slammed her arms either side of her ribs, making her let go of the head lock immediately. Princess Nocturnal would have stumbled backwards, but she was already up against the ropes with Sailor Mercury's body in the way preventing her from getting away easy..

sara_carter6969: Amy tried to act fast she know time was not on her side before those arms came back she tried to grab nocturnals arms and raise a knee into her stomach

kelseakk: "omff!" Princess Nocturnal coughed out as Sailor Mercury knee sunk into her exposed belly. Princess Nocturnal body sagged forwards, pressing forwards right into Amy with her hands gripping on Amy's shoulders

sara_carter6969: Amy really wanted to get Princess Nocturnal off her but didnt know how to do it she just wouldnt let go however she had her now with both her hands still on the heroines arms she tried to spin around and throw her into a corner

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal blinked with suprise as she was spun around and ended up back up against the turnbuckles, this girl who was only a begineer was starting to get the better of her. She shook her head, and will wait for Sailor Mercury to approach her before trying to quickly slam her elbow itno her mid section

sara_carter6969: Amy wasted no time and charged into that turnbuckle ready to land an onslaught but was caught midway with and hard elbow to the gut" ugh" she stumbled back in pain the blow took the wind out of her slightly she tried to recvoer fast

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal quickly moved out of the turnbuckle, swinging her arm up to try and score a quick clothesline across Sailor Mercury's bust

sara_carter6969: "oh crap" Amy thought as she saw the princess chargeing her, Amys only reaction was she fell to her butt to try and avoid this clothsline that was incoming

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal swung over Amy's head as she run by, the perpetual knight will stop and turn.. Sailor Mercury was down on the mat, she'll move in close trying to get in behind her and waiting for her to get to her feet...

sara_carter6969: Amy got up and turned only to see princess nocturnal right in her face, Amy really wanted to slam nocturnal by now she dropped low and tried to pick the princess up on her shoulder with her arms swinging around to try to scoop

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal felt Sailor Mercury's hand dig between her thighs, her body pressed right into the Sailor scout. Princess Nocturnal resisted at first but eventually Sailor Mercury was able to scoop the Princess up, her fake breast plate pressing firmly into the Sailor scout before she was dumped down onto the small of her back and butt. "Ungh!" She let out, bolting up into a sitting position from the impact

sara_carter6969: Amy got to her feet as fast as she could only to see the princess sitting there she had no idea if she was ok or kinda dazed amy tried to pick up the princess and lock her into a ddt

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal groaned as she was pulled up to her feet, a blush started to come to her cheeks.. She was suppose to be showing this knew girl the ropes but now it seemed like the rookie was really showing her a thing or two... Her cheek pressed against the side of Sailor Mercury's breasts as she slung her arm around the back of her head, setting her up.. Princess Nocturnal arm gently went around Sailor Mercury's waist, her hand resting unintentionally against Mercury's butt

sara_carter6969: Amy felt the hand on her butt and blushed and kinda felt turned on but she had to do it, she tightend her lock on the princess and she tried to fall down and plant nocturnals face into the mat

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal panted softly down the side of Sailor Mercury's body, putting up token resistance against the girl but soon she found herself falling with the girl to the mat in a DDT. "Oww.." Princess Nocturnal groaned as her head was planted in the mat, her body slumped down over onto her back.. Her face looking a little dazed as she lay on her back, chest rising and falling gently as she breathed

sara_carter6969: Amy whent down to pin and hooked Princess nocturnals left leg back and put her left arm over her breasts and held the girls arm down. She hoped she had her but she had no idea.

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal turned her head to one side as Sailor Mercury lay over her, groaning softly at the feel of her opponent pressing against her. Her inner thigh rubbed slightly against her crotch as it was pulled up into the leg hook, Princess Nocturnal cringed faintly..

sara_carter6969: Amy held onto that leg , the princesses body was so warm and she counted her down "1"

kelseakk: "oww.." Princess Nocturnal moaned softly, she felt strangely vulnerable right now.. She had to escape from this, Sailor Mercury felt Princess Nocturnal gently starting to squirm against her

sara_carter6969: Amy could feel her opponent moving she knew it wasnt a good thing so she tried to adjust herself so that her body was lying over the princess's. Amy lowered the princess's leg but didnt let it go or let it touch the mat to try and make this full body pin possible. "2" she counted

kelseakk: "nhh!" Princess Nocturnal grunted as Sailor Mercury rearranged the pinning position, but it was now or never.. She had to try. Digging deep, Princess Nocturnal will kick her legs up to kick out of the pin at the very last moment

sara_carter6969: Amy was bounced off the princess slightyly.. she had kicked out amy was so mad. "damn" she said as she got to her feet she wanted to end this amy was going to tryt o finish the beatiful Princess Nocturnal she got back and waited for her to stand

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal started getting up slowly to her feet with her back to Sailor Mercury, still dazed from that DDT... Also having Sailor Mercury pressed on top of her and readjusting the pin had made her nipples stiffen slightly under the fake breast plate

sara_carter6969: Amy appraoched the dizzy looking pruple haird hotty and tried to make her face her she was ultimatly sittign up the Sailor Scout surprise on her dazed opponent. Amyw as also getting tired and she could feel it if she didnt win soon she would probably be the one pinned soon

kelseakk: "oh gods.." Princess Nocturnal thought to herself, she was letting Sailor Mercury get all over her... She was stunned now and didn't know where Sailor Mercury was, she had to get ahold of herself... It'd be so embassing for her to lose to the girl she was suppose to be showing the ropes. Just then Princess Nocturnal was grabbed from behind, with a gasp she was spun around to face Sailor Mercury, still confused...

sara_carter6969: It was time , to try atleast "sorry i gotta do this' amy said as she let go of Princess Nocturnal and raised up a kick to execute her spcial move, the sailor scout surprise

kelseakk: "ouff!" Princess Nocturnal let out as she was kicked in the stomach, her breasts bobbing a little as she doubled over. She felt her head grabbed and could barely just protest "no.." before Sailor Mercury spun 180 degrees with her and came down with a stunner. Princess Nocturnal jaw hit Sailor Mercury shoulder and made her bounce upwards, staying upright for a second before the superheroine slumped down onto her back... Her arms sprawled out and breasts rising and falling deeply as she panted hard now

sara_carter6969: Amy had a good feeling and she quickly hooked the princess's left leg as high and as far back as she could as she counted a pin "1"

kelseakk: "oh.." Princess Nocturnal groaned out suggestively as her legs was hooked up again, inner thigh rubbing in much the same way as before. Her breasts moved up and down right into Sailor Mercury's body as she pinned her completely again, Princess Nocturnal cheeks getting more red

sara_carter6969: Amy rubbed the leg she had hooked she felt aweful hurting someone as beatiful as this pprincess but it had to be done sadly she put he hand down on her opponents left arm and counted "2"

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal was seeing kind of a blur but she was still aware enough to realize Sailor Mercury was about to pick up the win on her. The Perpetual Knight turned her head to one side, closing her eyes as she panted delicately against the mat surface, leg still lifted up and body easily pinned embarassingly enough.. Sailor Mercury really did a number on her...

sara_carter6969: "3" Amy counted and smiled as she lowered the pinnd princess's leg down and quicky scooped her into a hug. " Are you ok??" she said as she rubbed Princess nocturnals head softly

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal gently put her arms around Sailor Mercury, half sitting and half laying on the mat as she was scooped up. "ehh.. yes.. I'm ok.." Princess Nocturnal said, she was blushing quite a bit from losing in such a situation as this.. "I believe I have underestimated you.. You should go on to make a fine wrestler.."

sara_carter6969: Amy hlped the princess out of the ring and walked with her to the locker rooms still somewhat hugging a freind she had made she hoped

kelseakk: Princess Nocturnal seemed gratiful for the help and held back onto the sailor scout lightly although still a little embarassed, not that it was Sailor Mercury's fault, Princess Nocturnal knew it was all on herself.. But Sailor Mercury seemed like a good girl, she'd be glad to have her as a friend or ally

Sailor Mercury wins via pinfall

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