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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by Lunchador Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:06 pm

Hammer hopped off the ropes after dumping Charlotte to the ground below. Shaking his head out, trying to massage the neck that was still aching over Charlotte's earlier onslaught, the muscle-bound brute was looking for a breather. He'd taken control of the match, but Charlotte had taken advantage of a serious lead, early on, and the beating she'd given him was one he couldn't just shake off.

"One!" The ref called out, trying to encourage Charlotte to get herself back into the ring. "Two!"

"Now you start counting slow!" Hammer said, his voice a low grumble. He went as far as to put his hand on the ref girl's shoulder, pushing her away from the ropes and interrupting the count. Looking out into the ringside area, he grinned at the sight of Charlotte supporting herself on the barricade. Hammer knew exactly what the fans might be expecting, here!

Backing off from the edge of the ring, Hammer jogged backward to the opposite ropes. He sank his muscle-bound body into the ropes, building tension that sent him running back toward Charlotte's side of the ring! Running hard, building speed, Hammer came to the ropes and jumped off his feet- only to connect with the ropes, stopping himself completely! Hammer stood on the ropes, lifting his arms to show off his physique. The fans jeered him hard, having been tricked into thinking they were about to see some high-flying daring from the muscle-bound jerk!

Hammer flashed a satisfied smirk Charlotte's way, while he continued to pose and preen for the angry fans. "Anybody can do that jumpy shit, girly-girl," he said, his smirk deepening, "I ain't here to entertain, I'm here to kick that fine ass! Now get it back in here!"

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by KillerV Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:04 am

Charlotte is clearly hurting after her mistake and taking the beatdown by the hairy man, was really tough and now being kicked and throw outside of the ring as the referee starting the countdown while shes trying to recover the best she can and slowly pushes herself up onto the ring apron where she could see him so close to the ropes, posing over her as the muscled man gloating, she truly hates this man.

She didnt want to say to him but she bravely reaching for the ropes to pull herself up slowly and if he tries to grab her or not, she would attempt to reach for his head and tried to swing her right forearm at the side of his head, hopefully to stun him long enough so she can take a breather.

KillerV- Character Select

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by Lunchador Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:31 pm

Still smirking, Jack Hammer's shoulders heaved as he chuckled at the masked heroine's struggles. The crowd was jeering him heavily, now, but he was certain not a single fan in attendance was doubting his domination. Feeling even bigger than his already massive frame, Hammer leaned over the ropes, and milked the moment for all it as worth.

Then, looking down, he saw the vivacious redhead trying to pull herself back up to the ring. Chick had guts, Hammer mused, he had to admit that. Not that it was enough to earn much more respect out of the brute.

"Pretty tough there, hot stuff," Hammer said, as he reached down, "but don't think being all spunky-like it gonna get you out of some more humiliation!" Reaching down with one arm, Hammer planted his palm against the top of Charlotte's head. The move was a mocking one, meant less to hurt Charlotte than to simply keep her out of the ring just a bit longer. What Hammer didn't expect, however, was for Charlotte to be ready with a reply, as her arm swung up and caught him square in the skull!

"Aaagh!" Hammer cried out, staggering backward. The shock of it was worse than the actual physical pain, as he reeled back and wrapped both hands around his head. "Bitch!" he spat, trying to shake the cobwebs out and giving Charlotte a few precious moments to herself.

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by KillerV Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:46 pm

Charlotte knows it was tough to beat him for a big man with strength and size and hairiness, everything was beyond her but shes a fighter, an underdog that she will do the best she can to overcome the powerful man he is. She managed to swing her forearm up right at his head to knock the silly out of him as she could see him staggering backward from the hit, giving her a possible chance to take him down somehow.

She would have to get in the ring and leaning herself against the ropes using it to propel herself to rush right toward him as Charlotte, the masked heroine gonna take him down for good!

"Going to.... end you hairy man!" Charlotte rushing close as possible where she, thankfully have thick gloves on, reaching for his waist where she could try sliding around him hugging until she could get behind him, hoping to muster the strength to lift him up off the mat and arching backward to come slamming Hammer down for the big German Suplex pin finisher. "Hurrgh!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by Lunchador Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:43 am

The look of bewilderment on Hammer's face was clear all the way to the cheap seats in the back. The big man was so certain that he had this match in the bag. At the opening bell, the masked redhead had managed to drop him and hit him hard with a coupleof suprise shots, sure. But he'd dominated her rather hard, after that point. Now, somehow, she'd turned things around on him again!

The fans were eating it up, as well. Hammer loved to get a rise out of the marks in the crowd, and it wasn't hard when he was beating up on a voluptuous young do-gooder like Charlotte. The crowd had jeered him like a full-on supervillain. Unfortunately, by the time Hammer realized he had bought his own hype, Charlotte was sprinting his way at full speed!

By the time Harmmer got his bearings, Charlotte had him grasped hard around the waist. She slid past him quickly, his head darting side to side in an attempt to follow her blindingly fast motion! "Wh-what?" he managed to stammer, right after she locked him in hard. The combination of speed and Hammer's own off-balance stance was enough to get the big man off his feet, as Charlotte swung him hard into a German Suplex!

"H-hey! Hey!" he cried out, eyes widening in shock. Hammer's thick, well-muscled arms flailed in circles, in a vain attempt to get his balance. His legs shot up overhead, swinging high as his head came low. There was a resounding THUD, as Hammer's head hit the mat and his shoulders slouched onto the canvas, Charlotte's German Suplex hammering him down into the mat!

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by KillerV Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:57 am

Charlotte could feel the burning passionate to take this man with whatever she got to use on him hoping teaches this hairy of a muscle man show this underdog is gonna give him one 'wild ride' that he wishes for. She would quickly rushes with all her might as fast as her legs can take her, slipped behind teh big man with her arms snakes around the waist, thankfully shes wearing gloves without need to get her fingers entangled by his hairs, and locking her hands n arms together around his waist.

"Hurrrgh!" He grunt loudly trying to lift him as much as she could, mustered the strength to lift the man right off the mat and suddenly felt the momentum taking him right off as shes arching backward to quickly bring him down, slamming the huge man to the mat with a huge impact, slamming him good. "HMPH!"

Arching herself with the ample breasts pointing up against his bare backside while her arms keeping locking around the waist as shes trying to keep him pinned down to the mat, with this finisher, she could only hope that this is it for Jack Hammer.

"ONE!...........TWO!............." Referee already gotten down beside them as the referee slapping on the mat just getting so close to finish the final countdown.

KillerV- Character Select

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by Lunchador Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:55 am

Hammer's head was spinning, unable to keep pace with the flow of the woman wrestling him. She'd swirled about in a flash of purple and red, hoisted him off of his boots and slammed him hard into the mat with the suplex. Now, all that Hammer could feel was the cold, hard mat pressed against his shoulders, and the overwhelming throbbing ache of his pounding skull!

Weakly, Jack Hammer swung his boots around, trying to pivot his body off of his shoulders and spin himself back out of the masked young woman's grip. However, it wasn't happening. Hammer felt about as drunk as he'd planned to get, post-match, and his body simply wasn't responding to his commands. Charlotte had him slammed and pinned to the mat, and the hairy brute wasn't going anywhere!


With that, the crowd erupted into cheers! Charlotte's victory was sealed, and Hammer was left looking around in bewilderment as the announcer called the match for his opponent. "H-huh? Whuh?" he stammered, only barely beginning to realize that the match was over, and he'd come up short. Moving like a flash, the masked young woman in the purple tights had literally wrestled circles around the big man! Spinning, twisting and flying high, she'd turned him around, twisted him end over end, and pinned the big man against the mat!

Hammer's face burned, as humiliation began to settle in! Most impressively, however, was Charlotte's resistance. The young woman had taken some heavy hits, been slammed and bounced against the mat with force that would had destroyed a lesser woman, and she'd stood tall. Now, there was nothing left for Hammer to do but wait for Charlotte to release him, and listen in disbelief as the fans cheered on the victorious, redheaded heroine!

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by KillerV Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:05 am

Charlotte was surprised she could lift him off the mat with quick movement allowing her to catches his big hairy waist and send his whole body down crashing to the mat into her finisher pin, didnt think it would work but in desperation she had to do it and try, luckily it works on her favor and pinning him down while the referee goes for the count.

Her heart beating fast probably two to five beats between the countdown, she was seriously hoping to end this match and claim her first ever match, her first ever victory over this horrible man, expecting she could just take him out and show that a heroine like her could prevail over 'evil' like him.

Each counts passing by until the final count to three, she quickly let go and the crowd cheering wildly that a small framed woman in skin tight suit was able to pin the big man nearly twice her height and weight, completely put everyone respond with total awes.

Charlotte was sweating from the match, she got up panting hard with her eyes wide open by excitement and surprise, she have defeated him for good and declares as the winner. She shows her bright smile and slowly climbing to the nearest turnbuckle to stand tall, raising both her arms up as the crowd cheering for her amazing success match.

KillerV- Character Select

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by Lunchador Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:27 am

Hammer had a dumbfounded look on his face, as the victory bell rang. Looking around from side to side through weary, groggy eyes, the big man took a few moments to parse out what was happening around him. The match was over? Really? But- wait, really?

"Th-the hell ...?" the big man stammered, just realizing that Charlotte's suplex had put him away long enough for the pin! The second Charlotte released him, Hammer's body flopped unceremoniously to the mat! Lying on his belly, arms and legs spread wide, Hammer's shoulders heaved. He tried to push himself upright, but was quickly put back down by the stinging pain in his neck and shoulders. The masked redhead had planted him down with force, and "down" was where he would stay, for awhile!

Jack Hammer's face burned red, beneath his thick beard. All of his taunting, all of his "improper" designs on the body of his vivacious young opponent ... she'd made him pay, for them! He'd underestimated the beautiful high-flyer, and she put him in his place! Wrapping his meaty arms over his head, the beefy man tried to roll quietly out of the ring. Failing to beat the sexy redhead was bad enough ... worse yet, there was no chance of them hooking up, now! The big man's body dumped to the arena floor, he lay there. Let Charlotte have her debut victory, the big man needed to salve what was left of his wounded pride!

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Dual Debut:  Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer! - Page 4 Empty Re: Dual Debut: Charlotte Ashway vs. Jack Hammer!

Post by KillerV Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:43 am


KillerV- Character Select

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