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Femdom matches with smothers in mixed matches

Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:01 am by jdo_sss

If anyone has any female characters that needs more wins and uses moves like stinkface, breast smother etc let me know message me on discord thanks


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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by Berial Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:43 am

Succubus would have been happy with just leaving her ass hanging in the air frankly. She knew it would be making the rounds on social media and earning her a fresh batch of AFW followers by the end of the night. The longer the better in her experience. That, and meant she didn’t have to face the humiliation of trying to stand back up. Kelsey may not have looked like much, but that uppercut had turned the Wrestle Angel’s legs to jello. She could use a second or twenty.

Which she wouldn’t be getting. An adorable mewl from her lips accompanied the kick to Succubus’ butt that put her flat on her stomach. Her palms immediately went to the canvas to try to push herself up and, for a weird moment, it seemed like she would make it.

She was having a great time. It wasn’t even the crossface that was doing it for Succubus. She’d been in this hold more times than she could count on both hands, and not once in her five-year career had anyone been able to top the seven seconds it took Toshimi to submit her. It was the fact that a newbie had her on the floor right now. That was making everything so much worse, so much more painful than it needed to be.

Nope, not taking this lying down. Er, forward? Whatever! Succubus gave up on trying to pull Kelsey’s hands apart and instead pulled back on the American’s interlocked fingers to pry them away from her face. At least that was what it looked like. Succubus just wanted to create herself the smallest shred of space to open her mouth just an inch before she tucked in and bit down hard on Kelsey’s precious little digits. With so many hands covering her face, it was likely the referee wasn’t going to see anything.

Fudge it. She’d take what she could get.

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by 3ho Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:18 am

If a third party rated Kelsey's hold, they would probably give her a C+. She didn't have her opponent completely trapped without options but she was making it hurt. Hopefully.

Everything was happening so fast, however, that the rookie fighter didn't really know to check her hand positioning to make sure she was safe from retaliation which was obviously brewing in some fashion. This was a match after all. Unfortunately, Kelsey's mind focused on just pulling her opponent back, the mere idea of retaliation even being a thing didn't come up in her adrenaline-filled mind. All that fighting for space seemed like Manabe just wanted to break free and not try anything else. Even if Kelsey's fingers pulled to give that tiny gap, she still had her. So that next bit in this match came as a surprise.

The bit was teeth. Manabe's teeth, specifically, that managed to reach Kelsey's left index finger pinching her flesh in an absolutely painful way. The rookie yelped in equal parts shock and pain, quickly trying to retrieve her finger from the maw of her opponent. The hold was released almost instantly as the summer fighter's unbitten hand clumsily swung around and tried to club Manabe on the back of her head to demand release.

If she got it, Kelsey looked to remove herself from any further biting. She turned away and scooted away on her knees, rubbing her bitten finger more concerned she may have gotten rabies or the wild succubus at the moment.


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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by Berial Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:55 pm

You know what? It felt kind of wrong to take a bite out of Kelsey's fingers.

Oh, don't get it twisted. Succubus didn't feel 'bad' about doing it. Heck no. Loser deserved it for making it so easy. There was a time when Succubus was a bright, fresh, easily impressionable rookie just like her blue-eyed opponent. But even so, she couldn't deny the American woman had some pretty fingers. They were delicate, and it looked like they were pedicured recently. Maybe? Succubus was never the high-maintenance type herself. She was a natural looker that knew how to flaunt what she had.

And what she didn’t have was a pair of fingers in her face anymore. Succubus rolled onto her back the instant she was free and took a quick second to stretch her neck out. Everything was in its place. Kelsey didn’t have the technique or the time to inflict any serious damage, but she needed the half-second to reorient herself. It also lets her decide on the right counter and run through the process once in her mind. She was pretty confident doing just about anything, but the impish wrestler was nothing if not a poetic figure as well as a sore loser.

She also took the moment to let the taste settle on her tongue. Yep, as she expected, Kelsey was sweet as candy. Succubus chuckled to herself. She might see about moving onto those more succulent bits. First comes first, though...

Getting a running start, Succubus leaped up and grabbed two handfuls of Kelsey's hair as she flew past her. The Wrestle Angel would yank down on her grip and force the American's head to the floor, slamming her face-first into the ground with a running facebuster. She acted quick and ran fast, determined to act before the referee got any ideas about checking Kelsey’s fingers.

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Location : The Center of the Universe. Where else, idjit?

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by 3ho Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:21 am

Fighting dirty. Jo always told her to watch for people who do this. Kelsey had, unfortunately, the ability to give others the benefit of the doubt leading to the unfortunate situations like this.

Her finger bore the mark of Manabe's teeth and while there was an impression of those fangs that bore into her, it thankfully did not break the skin. It still hurt as Kelsey rubbed at her wound, nursing it. Backed turned, focus on her bitten finger, the rookie was too preoccupied to notice the rapid stirrings behind her.

The rattling chain linkage between the two the first warning but the second came for hurried foot steps. It was a sign of danger that finally got Kelsey to snap to. She had started to turn around and ready to defend herself but she hardly had the initiative. Slow on the draw, she only managed an eighth of a turn before catching a glimpse of her scarcely covered right next to her before a pair of hands tangled themselves in Kelsey's short hair.

The next moment, the rookie found her being pulled down. Her knees acting as the center point where her torso and more importantly, her face, swung down. She was brought down to slam against the mat hard. The ring shook and Kelsey took the impact. Her face might have bounced off the mat had it not been for the tight grip still in her hair that kept her from doing just that.

Her head momentarily blanked, feeling the effects of a head blow. It wasn't too often she had to deal with one of these and the feeling felt foreign but given her career now, it was one she had to get use to. Kelsey sharply exhaled, hissing through clenched teeth as she rubbed the side of her head. She tried to lift her head from the mat but found those fingers still tangled and at the moment, she was stuck in Manabe's grasps still...

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by Berial Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:09 am

Ah. She felt better now.

There were quite a lot of things that Succubus could take pleasure in when it came to having a nubile young lady and wrestling ring together. She liked their screams, the way they wiggled in her grasp, the way their cheeks turned scarlet the tighter she wrapped them around her finger. Breaking their beautiful faces wasn’t usually one of them. Not unless they deserved it.

She really did not want to make that exception for Kelsey but…

The Wrestle Angel chuckled darkly down at the newcomer. She could only imagine the face hidden underneath the mess of hair on Kelsey’s head. Bringing herself to one knee she began a slow rise up to two feet.

Succubus lifted her opponent from the floor by the hair on the back of the American’s head, keeping her head at the Wrestle Angel’s waist. The imp shoved Kelsey’s head between her petite thighs only to cross one leg over the other and squeezed tight with a standing reverse headscissor. From her lofty position of imagined superiority, Succubus would throw an ‘L’ up to the top of her own forehead and stick her tongue out, making all sorts of obscene expressions down at her entrapped opponent. Much to the audience's amusement.

Oh, the humanity.

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Age : 103
Location : The Center of the Universe. Where else, idjit?

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by 3ho Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:52 am

Kelsey was a fighter, for sure, but she wasn't exactly a stout bastion of a warrior. So in spite of taking only one hit so far, it was enough to keep her spinning. Defenseless might have been the right word but to be fair, Kelsey didn't want to think of what Manabe would do if she were entirely defenseless although with this she'd have some idea.

Head lifted and then placed precariously in between those thighs, Kelsey was handled ungraciously by quite the sour opponent as her head was locked in by those surprisingly powerful thighs. Clamped in and given a strong squeeze, Kelsey made a pained whine as her hands instinctively reached around and grabbed a handful of flesh in each as she attempted to pry her opponent's legs apart, most likely to little avail. Added to this humiliation was no doubt, Kelsey's lower half wiggling from her struggles to get free. It was probably a good thing she couldn't see the manner of taunting gestures thrown down at her.

Manabe would probably feel great at the moment, getting her slice of delicious revenge for being whomped earlier but eventually there would be a price for delaying too long like this. Kelsey's fingers adjusted and instead of a handful she sought a pinch of flesh, bringing her index and thumb nails to grab the slightest portion of those exposed thighs for maximum pain. It wasn't a real damaging move but in this certain pinch, it would damn well hurt.

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by Berial Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:08 pm

Succubus knew the score. She smiled down at her opponent, she gave a smile for the cameras and shook her world-famous behind a little bit for the people in the back.

It had been a while since Succubus had been able to reel in this particular move. Sparring with Ami had its benefits, but she was never all that interested in her more exploitative techniques. Wrestle Angels had been so kind to her to give her all the free reign she wanted whenever she had the advantage. AFW cut its competitors a similar deal and she couldn’t have been more thankful. She needed to feel this rush again. There was nothing like the heat and the stage lights and that tickling feeling that ran down her legs when she tensed her thighs to feel the crunch.

The best part was the reaction her opponent got. Some of them flailed around, some of them started getting this cute little blush on their cheeks, most of them just threatened the smaller devil fighter the moment they got free. Kelsey went between the first and second options, looking for some kind of leverage. Succubus just laughed at her freely with a nice little shake to her cute booty.

And it was pretty cute. Succubus reached over and ran her fingertips over the American’s tight rear end. Her instinct to give it a squeeze was only reciprocated by cheers from an audience that had been thoroughly deprived of a good, saucy showing this evening. The scandalous leer on the imp’s face couldn’t have broadcasted her intentions any better if she-

“OW! What the fu-?!” Succubus nearly leaped from the searing hot pinch on the back of her leg. The Wrestle Angel loosened her hold slightly in the distraction, but kept a firm grip on her arms through the pain. Kelsey wasn’t a fan of her position right now.

Ohokay, goodie girl likes it rough?! Here’s rough!” Succubus suddenly leaped up from the floor and fell to her knees, slamming Kelsey’s pretty face faithfully into the canvas with a pedigree.

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Location : The Center of the Universe. Where else, idjit?

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by 3ho Wed Dec 15, 2021 7:25 am

This wasn't how this match was supposed to go. She didn't join to be some kind of spectacle for a pervy audience! It was probably all brought on the by queen perv herself judging by where those hands were rubbing. The butt touching was entirely uncalled for! Kelsey's legs jostled a bit more to try and shake off the touch but it was locked in the moment those fingers clenched for a squeeze, eliciting an embarrassed yelp from the sailor fighter girl.

Although that was hardly anything compared to what Manabe had in retaliation to Kelsey's pinching. Another slam to the mat, headfirst. What was it with targeting the head? Okay, yea, it was really keeping Kelsey seeing stars, but it wasn't fair at all! She was defenseless!

Kelsey was flattened on the mat, yet again, face down so she wasn't looking all that good... again! No doubt Manabe was already preparing to grab the fighter's butt or something so crude. If Manabe dared, Kelsey's groggy mind would withdraw her hand back, glancing her fingers across Manabe's thighs before seeking out the dangling metal chain that linked them. If Manabe liked Kelsey's butt so much, she can get a much closer look! A sharp and sudden tug on the chain was one that had the intention of bringing Manabe to fall forward and face plant. Right on Kelsey's butt. A shame it was a padded fall though...

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Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due - Page 2 Empty Re: Succubus Manabe vs. Kelsey Summers - The Devil Her Due

Post by Berial Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:20 pm

This butt touch was entirely warranted. Succubus had worked hard these past few minutes. She was entitled to a little reward here and there at Kelsey's expense. Whether she realized it now or later, this ring wasn't entirely her stage to shine.

The piledriver felt even better though. Slamming Kelsey’s face into the canvas sent a wave of gratification pulsing up from between her legs. Succubus wasn't the type to get off on pain, but hearing a voice as cute as this Californian delight brought all sorts of devious suggestions to her mind that she was more than happy to play out in real-time, again and again. And the first place she wanted to start was that perfectly-shaped behind that her fingertips were just yearning to-

Succubus let a surprised gasp escape her lungs in the instant she was yanked by her collar to the ground. Or, more accurately, Kelsey’s perfectly-rounded buttocks. The imp had been meaning to get to explore that particular destination more thoroughly; at another point in time, with more freedom and flexibility to do as she wished. Instead, her face slammed right into the surface with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

From the outside, it might have seemed like a soft landing, but Succubus could assure everyone that it wasn't. Muscle was still muscle. Her head bounced back from the impact and rattled her brain inside of her skull. The Wrestle Angel rolled off her opponent and fell on her back to the floor, taking a half-second to rub her eyes clear of the fog that Kelsey had blown in her face in the best way possible.

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Age : 103
Location : The Center of the Universe. Where else, idjit?

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