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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

Tag Team Champions
#1 contender

Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
#1 contender

Hentai Champion
Bianca Garcia
#1 contender

Entropy Champion
Panther Risako
#1 contender
Ellie St. James

Rising Star Champion
Piper Sherwood
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Tension World Champion
Sierra Oasis
#1 contender

Nekketsu Champion
Iris Takahashi
#1 contender
Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli

Match Request and exposure cause I'm tired in looking for one.

Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:27 am by Mr. Q

Open for Anything.
I like them exciting matches!!!

Likes: Lewds (I'm up for any lewd matches)
Dislikes: Gross stuff

RP details: Generally, I like to do Intergender matches (leaning to male side) but I can FvF.
No MvM though.
1-2 paragraphs is okay to me but sometimes adapt to partners.

Ivan Ramirez, Agila of Manila:

Kanon Daiba, Friendly Fire:


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Returning and seeking a match

Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:03 am by GrandAkumaShogun

Hello all, long time no see, I'm aiming to come back and be more consistent on here. So I'm looking for a match for one of my boys; Takeichi Mori, Takeshi Kawai, or Imai Cosmo. Their profiles are below.

Takeichi Mori

Takeshi Kawai

Imai Cosmo

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Match request (1 on 1, Hentai possible)

Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:35 pm by carat

What it says. I finished rounding up some character ideas- there's a couple more coming- and I was wondering of anyone would be interested in taking one of my girls out for a spin.

(...autocorrect tried to change that for "out for a spanking". I mean, guess that could be arranged XDDDD)

As you can see from the profile,  I don't have any strong preferences. I'm mostly 1 on 1 now because I don't have that much experience or a stable for tag teams,  but aside from that, anything is fair game. …

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Meet The Boss

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Meet The Boss - Page 2 Empty Re: Meet The Boss

Post by acuyra Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:04 am

Now, this was interesting. Jack had honestly figured this would go one of two ways - he would either accept his implied offer or shut him down outright, and it would come to moral grounds. His time with his father had given him a wealth of experience in things like this, and most of the GMs he’d met fell into those lines. It was predictable, depressingly so at times, so much black and white.

From the way Fairchild spoke, though, she was more grey than he had originally thought. This, he could work with.

”You know, I actually think our interests are more closely aligned than I’d suspected. You’re not out to change the world, you’re not out to keep the business pure. You, Ms. Fairchild, are in the business of making money. There’s nothing wrong with that. Quite the opposite.”

Jack leaned in, tapped his chin for a moment, then nodded once he’d found the proper words to proceed with. He would keep the charm on, more or less, but wanted to get down to brass tacts. ”My father and I had a bit of a disagreement on how best to run our company. He was set in the old ways, thought things were done best the way they’d been done. I wanted to modernize, accept the future, and as things often do in wrestling, that all turned to violence.” He idly cracked a knuckle and came close to smiling at the memory. ”It’s neither here nor there. But I tell you that to tell you this: I was profitable. When I had control, when my matches were running, when it was my direction, rating went up. How much, Lock?”

”On average?” Lock looked at the ceiling for a moment, muttering a few numbers before she looked back Jack’s way. ”I think we say a 40% increase in ratings at peak, thereabouts. I can forward specific numbers to your email, Ms. Fairchild, if you’d like.”

”The point is, if profit is what you want, I can get your profit. There’s a lot of room in Tension for someone to take charge, to shake things up in a big way, and that’s what I intend to do. I will draw eyeballs to your product.” He leaned back and settled in the chair, confident in the statement. [color:46d6=6600FF]”All I need is a little leeway every now and then. Say, occasionally looking the other way. Pushing certain matches. Giving a deaf ear to certain complaints. Nothing overt, nothing drastic, nothing that will arouse suspicion. A healthy, profitable relationship.”

Meet The Boss - Page 2 SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Meet The Boss - Page 2 Empty Re: Meet The Boss

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun May 23, 2021 9:32 am

How interesting. Erica was certain that admitting her plans, her desires to manipulate Tension how she saw fit to increase ratings and ppv buys, would be something they weren't interested in. Yet not only did they seem quite interested in her proposal, but even offered ways they could assist her in her goals...just so long as she looked the other way from time to time.

Interesting...she could use this Jack and his gang to her advantage...

" if I understand, you'll assist me in my goals of improving the ratings and ppv buys of Tension, even if it means manipulating the more natural way feuds and things get set up around here, and all you ask in return is that I simply...close my eyes to a few personal activities of your own...alright...I can do that. Obviously a written contract wouldn't be...practical here, so shall we just leave at a handshake agreement?"

Check out the recently revamped Roster Page, now with pics!

Posts : 9602
Join date : 2008-04-29
Age : 34

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Meet The Boss - Page 2 Empty Re: Meet The Boss

Post by acuyra Mon May 24, 2021 5:47 pm

”That’s the long made short of it, yeah.”

It was good to see that Jack’s instincts about Erica hadn’t been too far off the mark. While she might not have been the type to get her hands dirty or provide direct support, that was fine for both parties, a way for him to get leverage every now and then without being overt. There was an advantage to having a hand in the shadows, moving the best pieces around the board.

Erica wanted money. That made her simple, in the end, and simple was good.

”A handshake it is.” He stood up and reached out, accepting her hand into his a strong shake. Not enough to hurt, not even close, but with just a little more force than necessary. ”To future endeavors.” He placed his other hand on top of hers and slid his fingers along her soft skin as he pulled away. “And if you would ever like to meet and discuss specifics, by all means, call on me at anytime. I’m more than happy to see to whatever needs you might have.”

Behind him, the faint sound of Key’s groan could be heard.

Meet The Boss - Page 2 SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Meet The Boss - Page 2 Empty Re: Meet The Boss

Post by Old_Man_Tai Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:54 pm

Oh. Strong grip. Stronger than needed really. Not by much, but just slightly...not enough to hurt, but just enough for her to notice.

Intimidation tactic. Figures.

And...then came his other hand, rubbing across the top of hers, making an offer for her to call him anytime...and while she didn't show any reaction to it, she couldn't help but think that, between the two guys to hit on her today...she'd much rather call Ryo instead.

"What a...flattering, and generous offer. I'll be sure to take you up on that. I'm glad we see eye to eye, is there anything else you need or would like to discuss?"

Check out the recently revamped Roster Page, now with pics!

Posts : 9602
Join date : 2008-04-29
Age : 34

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Meet The Boss - Page 2 Empty Re: Meet The Boss

Post by acuyra Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:28 pm

”Anything else? No.” Jack broke away and stood, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he rose. That wasn’t 100% true, there were matters, he was aching to discuss with her, but they could come up at a later date. No need to dump everything on her table all at once.

”Thank you for your time, Ms. Fairchild - it was a pleasure. I look forward to further fruitful endeavors.” He tipped his head her way, a slow and thoughtful nod, then straightened up and made her way out of the office, with Key sulking behind him. Lock was the last to stand and file out, only after brushing her blond hairs aside and gracing the room with a warming smile.

”Feel free to contact us when you need anything. Anything at all.” She tucked her table and made her way out behind her partners, catching up with a few quick steps and pulling the door closed with a gentle click.

Meet The Boss - Page 2 SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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