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Match Request and exposure cause I'm tired in looking for one.

Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:27 am by Mr. Q

Open for Anything.
I like them exciting matches!!!

Likes: Lewds (I'm up for any lewd matches)
Dislikes: Gross stuff

RP details: Generally, I like to do Intergender matches (leaning to male side) but I can FvF.
No MvM though.
1-2 paragraphs is okay to me but sometimes adapt to partners.

Ivan Ramirez, Agila of Manila:

Kanon Daiba, Friendly Fire:


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Returning and seeking a match

Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:03 am by GrandAkumaShogun

Hello all, long time no see, I'm aiming to come back and be more consistent on here. So I'm looking for a match for one of my boys; Takeichi Mori, Takeshi Kawai, or Imai Cosmo. Their profiles are below.

Takeichi Mori

Takeshi Kawai

Imai Cosmo

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Match request (1 on 1, Hentai possible)

Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:35 pm by carat

What it says. I finished rounding up some character ideas- there's a couple more coming- and I was wondering of anyone would be interested in taking one of my girls out for a spin.

(...autocorrect tried to change that for "out for a spanking". I mean, guess that could be arranged XDDDD)

As you can see from the profile,  I don't have any strong preferences. I'm mostly 1 on 1 now because I don't have that much experience or a stable for tag teams,  but aside from that, anything is fair game. …

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Ami Takeuchi

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Ami Takeuchi Empty Ami Takeuchi

Post by Teenwrestler Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:02 pm

Name:Ami Takeuchi
Ring Name: The "Supermodel" Ami
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: purplish- blue
Hair: Blue
Height: 5,7
Weight: 120 lbs.
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: "Rock and Roll" Trish and Lil Kim

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Supermodel Ami doesnt have a particular strategy she sticks to, she can get technical and catty as well but isnt much of a high-flyer of a wrestler. She tends to focus more on one body part and tries to work on that until the opponent submits, she does uses some power moves as well.
Style: Like her brother Dai, she can use submission moves and power moves both ( a bit) however unlike him she completely avoids aerial moves unless shes feeling crazy
Preferred Matches: Pro style ( any pro style match).

Endurance: ★★★
Strength: ★★★
Speed: ★★★★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★★★

Favorite move sets: Sleeper,scissors, camel clutch, dragon sleeper,bearhug, supelex
Finisher : Supermodels charm ( Inverted DDT), Supermodels kiss ( a blow kiss followed by sweet chin music to a groggy opponent.)


Physical Appearance: Ami Takeuchi Ami_kawashima___toradora___by_witchcraftblack-d33o566.png

Ami Takeuchi Kawashima_Ami.png

Ami Takeuchi 1371704511935.jpg

Personality: Ami is quite a complex character- her supermodel job required her to have distinct personality which didnt fit in with her real personality! so she had to adapt to a different happy go lucky and dumb blonde type of persona. You could almost say she suffers a bit from dual personality symptoms at times. Although Supermodel Ami acts a bit like a major bitch in the ring if his Supermodel agency cameras are rolling you would see a whole new Ami. A witty, happy,cheery and clutzy Ami. Arrogance runs in the family and she takes up more from Daisuke than Yamato as she is really arrogant at her "superior" status in being in the rich takeuhci family. She doesnt mind bending the rules to take up a victory if it is needed, all in all there is a way to get on her good side.........

Past/History: Ami being the youngest in the takeuchi family often saw her two older brothers training in the wrestling ring alot, However she was kept away from the ring for most periods as her mother wanted her daughter to go into modeling and not wrestling, however the father of the "Takeuchis" who was a pro wrestler himself thought of no good reason why men can wrestle in the ring and women cannot. So they had a deal that when Ami is a successful model she is then free to choose her path to be a pro-wrestler or a model. Ami never had the act of being a girly model- her young teenager years she spent secretly training with her two brothers as she had her mind set on turning pro one day, their ultimate goal was oneday to make a famous tri of the "Takeuchi Family" and now that all three siblings are here....its a possibility!

Wrestling Attire: Sports bra and gym shorts, bikini two piece and one piece wrestling suits.

AFW Information

Record: 1/-/1
Wins: 1
Losses: 1
Draws: 0


[url=]"The supermodel Ami vs Army"[/url:2te26y86] The Supermodel picks up an unlikely win against Army, with a bit of help.

[url=]"Photoshoot Disaster"[/url:2te26y86] Ami meets up with Alaina, the female wrestler who beat her brother, the two engage in a cold war.

[url=]"Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Ami."[/url:2te26y86] Ami tags up with her brother to wrestle another sibling tag team.

Nothing yet

Friends: no one yet
Allies: Yamato and Daisuke
Rivals: None
Enemies: None

Last edited by 12085 on Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:27 am; edited 3 times in total

Posts : 5018
Join date : 2013-09-04
Age : 32
Location : Here ---->

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Ami Takeuchi Empty Re: Ami Takeuchi

Post by Teenwrestler Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:28 am

Timeline added ^__^

Posts : 5018
Join date : 2013-09-04
Age : 32
Location : Here ---->

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