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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Current date/time is Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:42 pm

Search found 21 matches for PrincessNocturnal

Princess Nocturnal vs. Maki Amagami

Standard match
Pinfalls only

The last stints in the ring from her royal highness Princess Nocturnal had resulted in much undesirable consequences for the monarch, but today Nocturnal was determined to swipe away the marks that had besmirched her good name and prestige. She had it under good authority that today she would not be facing another little street urchin known fondly to the AFW audience as kawaiis... Not that Princess Nocturnal courage would be tested to face such an opponent, she simply felt a change of pace would be good. Soon enough she would make an example of one of them little whipper snappers and make a throne out of their body in front of the whole arena.

Soon enough the most royalist of theme tunes started up over the loud speaker and the Princess Nocturnal made her gloriously majestic entrance at the top of the rampway. Her attire comprised on skin tight white legging underneath a set of mauve/purple thigh high boots.. On her top half she wore a mauve/purple and gold royal uniform jacket, topped off with a luxuriously long white robe. A tiara perched delicately on top of her head as she held her chin up high, her gloved hands clasping firmly onto a golden scepter.

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling L1Fqqln

As she started to make her way down the ramp towards the ring, her two royal servants could be seen diligently partaking in a task that was to be considered an honour AND a privilege... Holding the tail ends of Princess Nocturnal's robe to ensure it was not dirtied on the un-carpeted commoners floor. The Princess carefully made her way round to the staircase at one corner of the ring and ascended it up onto the apron of the ring.. There she waited with a note of impatience while her servant climbed up with her and carefully de-robed her. One folded up the soft delicate material while the other produced a decorative cushion so that they could remove her tiara and take her scepter to be place upon it for safe keeping...

And yet that was still not enough.. Princess Nocturnal continued to wait until the servants had gotten their act together, the one holding her robe having to lean her ass down against the middle ropes and bend an opening for the Princess Nocturnal to be able to step in through with relative ease. Princess Nocturnal strode confidently into the middle of the ring to the sounds of boos and scoffs at her elaborate entrance... Most of the fans here didn't truly appreciate the difficulties in maintaining royal elegance, nor did they understand the proper etiquette to use in the presence of her majesty.

"Nothing but vagrants and malcontents..." Princess Nocturnal mutter under her breath as she cast a look of distaste or down right disgust at the sight of some of the people in the audience... Slowly removing her red jacket to reveal that the white leggings was actually more of a white and purple full body suit

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling C669Vh5

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:41 am
Search in: The Ring
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs. Maki Amagami
Replies: 43
Views: 7017

Princess Nocturnal vs. THE Cyclops

"That is the enemy right there!" Izzi said pointing in an overly dramatic manner right at the poster that was pinned to the wall in front of her and THE Cyclops in the Brat Pack's dressing room... The Poster was of Princess Nocturnal, striking what could only be described as a weird cross between a super heroine and a super villain.. She was standing there wearing her regal attire, her feet standing slightly apart and her fist proudly placed on her hips.. On her face was a smug look of disdain for any that might stand in front of her and to top it off.. the trade mark white cloak fluttering behind her slightly in the wind

"Look! she's making a mockery of all the super heroine's and mutants and..." Izzi looked at the Cyclops "Well.. Whatever the hell you are... With a pose like that... Plus the poster even says at the bottom... 'The royal Princess Nocturnal, Super villainess'... AND check out this evil mustache!" It did indeed seem that someone had defiled the post with a felt tip pen to draw on a curly mustache... Or did the Princess Nocturnal just want you to think that someone had drawn that on? :O

"This is your first match for the Brat Pack so you're gonna have to make us proud and show the enemy exactly what they are going to get if they stand up against us."

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:01 am
Search in: The Ring
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs. THE Cyclops
Replies: 14
Views: 2365

A Marvelous, Mysterious Debut

There was a lengthy moment of silence until a regal and slightly more familiar theme started playing over the loud speakers. Princess Nocturnal had considered whether it was worth her time sulling her hands with yet more commoners, however the last couple of matches she had had against the lower class hadn't ended in a way that was becoming of the Princess Nocturnal..

So when she heard the little upstart announcing herself as a heroine and throwing a call out to all the villains that might be listening, she didn't only feel that Yoshi was challanging her personally.. but also so a chance at redemption. Not for herself, no, of course she could handle the lowly wretches.. She was a Princess and a villainess after all! But she had to appear as the superior above all the lowly subjects.

Princess Nocturnal had considered doing a sneak attack, but her arrogance got the best of her "She is just another kawaii.." She told herself "And surely the same bizarre twist of luck will happen in this mini despite as it did with her last couple of matches against kawaii's". Finally, after a wait of over 30 seconds for the crowd to fully appreciate her splendour, Princess Nocturnal came out onto the top of the rampway in time with the trumpets

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 1627491-7SOT898

She was dressed in her finest wear as per usual and adorned a purple fur cloak over the top which dragged its white rims on the floor as she walked. She inclined her shin upwards as if to physically look down her nose at the one in the ring and then walked down the rampway ignoring all the commoners behind the barricades that booed or was ill mannered enough to consider reaching over with a paper to be signed. Princess Nocturnal walked purposefully up the stairway at the corner of the ring and stepped carefully through the ropes... Opening her hand at the side of her waist and waiting for the announcer to place the microphone in it without moving towards them.

"Seeing as I... The glorious Princess Nocturnal... am the one and only villainess extraordinaire in AFW... I presume you dare to address myself with your challange... You.." She eyed Yoshi up and down "A pint sized cur... addressing your majestic Princess..?"

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:52 pm
Search in: AFW Promo
Topic: A Marvelous, Mysterious Debut
Replies: 16
Views: 1841

Princess Nocturnal vs. Claire St. Clair

Standard single fall match
Pin or submission to win

It had been quite some time since Princess Nocturnal had shown her face inside the AFW arena, but now the indignity of the two humiliating "debut" matches had started to fade to the back of her mind and distort into what ever she could think of to... Of course that little urchin won, she was obviously using dirty tactics to get the best of her... And of course that other impudent whelp won, she probably paid off the lighting crew to shine the spotlights right in her eyes at the opportune moment in the match.

Nay... this was a clean slate, in which Princess Nocturnal would show how much more superior she was to all of these commoners... In the area the pompous royal theme started up Princess Nocturnal strode out donned in a big purple and white fur royal cape and covered her entire body. On her head was a tiara and in her hand a golden scepter.

Pic of Princess Nocturnal:
Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 1627481-GPDKS2Q

Chin held high she glided down the rampway, not even sparing a moment to pay her respects to the audience... Not even sparing them the briefest of glances. Behind her, two of her trusted aids scampered behind, holding the tail end of the cap up to keep it from dragging across the floor. Going as far with her as the stair case at the corner of the ring and helping her climb into the squared circle by holding down the middle ropes so that she could gracefully step in without losing dignity by showing herself off to the ring.

Her aids left unclothed her of her cape, revealing her rather tight but suitably upperclass looking body suit with purple boots and elbow length gloves...

Pic of attire:
Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 1627484-3ZMC1IF

With that done, they went back up the ramp way as the Princess Nocturnal produced a microphone. The crowd was welcoming her as warmly as she had welcomed them.

"Sigh..." She said, rather then the action of actually sighing "As if I care what any of you commoners think of me.. As Princess it is my place to rule and your place only to follow.." This didn't seem to help public opinion of her as the booing rang out louder. Princess Nocturnal snorted at the response, she did not even wish to bother herself by gracing them with further words of her great wisdom, they were not worthy. Instead she stood and waited for her opponent.

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:09 pm
Search in: The Ring
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs. Claire St. Clair
Replies: 56
Views: 7011

Princess Nocturnal vs Cassie Elliot

Princess Nocturnal would come only when she was good and ready so it was quite a few moments from Cassie getting into the ring before Princess Nocturnal made her grand entrance; but when she did, it was indeed that... a grand entrance. Trumpets blared and then seamlessly fell into the tune that was Princess Nocturnal's entrance music

Princess Nocturnal stepped out onto the top of the rampway, her entire body drapped in her purple and white fur royal robe; a sceptor in one hand and a tiara on her head. She walked down to the ring with her nose turned up so high that Cassie could almost see the all of the underside of her chin, her eyes confidently closed as she glided down the rampway with her assistants holding up the trailing end of her robe.

When she got to the ring, her assitants took her robe for safe keeping... One of these assitants, insignificant enough to still not really have a determined gender, was foolish enough to allow the corner of the robe to touch the floor for a moment, earning a cross glare from the cross Princess and a stern whack over the head with the sceptor.

That being done, Princess Nocturnal strode up the stairs to the corner of the ring and waited on the apron of the ring for one of her assistants to follow her up and pull open the ropes so that she could step gracefully into the ring. Princess Nocturnal was dressed in her Princess uniform which was far to grand and majestic for Kelsea to describe and so heres a pic:

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 33aw4qv

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 331gmsy
Princess Nocturnal in all her majesty.

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:11 am
Search in: The Ring
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs Cassie Elliot
Replies: 87
Views: 10036

Princess Nocturnal vs. Eden Valkyrie

Standard single fall match
Pin or submission to win

The same trumpets that had played for Princess Nocturnal's oh so pleasant promo a couple of days previous started blaring around the arena... within a few moments the proud royal theme started up and out strode the one, the only, Princess Nocturnal in all her glory.

She kept her chin raised high and did not even bother to acknowledging the audience's exsistance as she made her way to the ring... She had said all she had needed to say to them last time, so there was no longer any need to regard them (which they could actually be thankful of); her royal purple and white fur cape wrapped smartly around her body completely and like before there was two aids that walked behind her holding her cape up off of the floor, heaven forbid it get dirty!

They helped her all the way to the ring, one removed her robe while the other went ahead of her up the corner steel staircase to open up the ropes for her to step gracefully in between dressed in her standard outfit since she had returned to the ring as the new and improved Princess Nocturnal

Pic of Princess Nocturnal:
Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 23rtwep

Pic of attire:
Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 33aw4qv

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:09 pm
Search in: The Ring
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs. Eden Valkyrie
Replies: 32
Views: 4556

Royal Procession

Suddenly the AFW was filled with the sound of blaring trumpet of truely epically royal status... The trumpets quietened and a theme song that was unfamiliar to everyone in the arena started to play:

Everyone seemed a little confused as to what all this was about and so there was not really any cheering or booing... Most people looked towards the rampway, expecting a new wrestle to burst out onto the rampway and straight onto the AFW roster. Finally someone did emerge from the backstage area, dressed in a regal purple and white fur robe and holding a royal scepter in one hand... It was none other then Princess Nocturnal!!!

Nocturnal looked different from the last time she had been seen which was the nightmare of a lumberjill match against Lukretia that might as well have been a 5 v 1 handicap match... At the end she had been completely beat almost into unconsciousness was kidnapped and worked over, raped and abused by the morrigan at Lukretia command so hard and for so long that she was forced to pass out on more then one occasion...

The most noteable difference in Princess Nocturnal look now was her attire that was just visible just under the robe that covered most of her body (attire modeled by someone else below):

Topics tagged under princessnocturnal on Anime Female Wrestling 33aw4qv

She did not look out to the crowd, instead she kept her eyes shut and nose tilted up. Behind her a couple of helpers held up the ends of her rob so that it did not drag on the floor as she walked down the ramp to the ring. To top it off when she got to the ring and walked up the stair way, she waited for one fo the helpers to pull the ropes open for her before carefully stepping in.

Someone brought her a microphone and as she did a short lap of honour around the ring and waited for her music to die down.

"Thats right..." She spoke into the microphone "Your princess has decided to grace the lowly commoners with her presence!" from that comment alone, some of the audience got the impression that this wasn't going to be a pleseant gracing of someone's presence and started to boo..

"I know that I haven't been seen in quite a while... I have had business to attend to, and quite frankly I do not need to be answering to any of you. Its a farse that I even need to state that the place of the subjects is below the princess as you of a much lower class then oneself." More boos rang out around the arena.

"But I have to explain these things, you see just recently my arch nemsis... One certain Perpetual Knight... Paid the ultimate price for believing that she could earn rewards for serving the whim of thoses that are lower then herself." This time there was not boos... There was confusion... Her arch nemesis the Perpetual Knight???? Wasn't Princess Nocturnal and the Perpetual Knight just two names for the same person?

"You see, she tried to serve you when you should have been serving her... the result was her being used and abused by The Morrigan and Meister... And quite rightly so I might add, she thought that with the deeds she had performed, someone would come to her aid... But they didn't! All of this happened because she had obviously lost sight of why she was a superior being to all of you." Wasn't it not the Princess Nocturnal aka the Perpetual Knight who had been used and abused by the Morrigan and Meister? It was weird, but Princess Nocturnal was talking about the deeds that had happened in the past as if it was someone else, namely the "Perpetual Knight"... And not herself

"I feel no pitty for her... She is my sworn enemy after all... But also she was a fool to serve you, I need not learn from her example as I already know that there is only one way the relationship between a princess and her subjects should be... And that is with you serving me!" The was no confusion with that statement and once again the boos rang out.

"But I digress... The reason I am out here is to issue a warning and a challange... With the Perpetual Knight destroyed and out of my way, I will now seek to destroy superheroine of her like..." Princess Nocturnal looked into the camera "that goes for you Yasha Love! ...Women like you and the Perpetual Knight is nothing more then common fetchers that I scrape off the bottom of my boot. In the meantime, I intend to prove my superioty over other girls here in AFW... My subject should be thankful, they will get to see their princess in action much more often." Princess Nocturnal smiled and then handed the microphone back to one of the helpers, a chorus of boos following the Princess as she then left the ring in much the same fashion of how she entered it

(ooc: no response required)

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:00 pm
Search in: AFW Promo
Topic: Royal Procession
Replies: 0
Views: 1046

Princess' Pain

Princess Nocturnal's recoiled to one side as the mask was harshly ripped from her face, finally able to see and breath again she suck in some sharp pants and gasps.. She hadn't been given time after the match to recover seems they had immediately started to carry her backstage and masked her before taking her else where. Towards the end of the match she had become some what quieten because it had turned out being a 4 against 1 handicap match (not including Lukretia... the woman she was actually suppose to be wrestling!), there was no chance of her winning, she could only wait for the match to be over and staying quiet was the best way... But now the stakes had risen and Princess Nocturnal was not about to keep her mouth shut any longer now that the mask had been taken off of her.

"You filthy cur!!" Princess Nocturnal yelled out in complete indignation, yanking her hands against the chains that binded her to the rack and kicking her legs that had been left free for now "How dare you do this to the Perpetual Knight!! There will be reprecussions for this transgression... Mark my words!" She spoke in her posh British accent.

The smallest of the maid came towards her, grabbing at what was left of her superheroine costume.. Princess Nocturnal furiously tried to kick her legs at Babd, but was still hurting from the quadruple team she'd taken so the kick wasn't as powerful as it could be.

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:38 pm
Search in: Backstage
Topic: Princess' Pain
Replies: 26
Views: 3750

Princess Nocturnal vs. Lukretia von Creuzfeldt

No DQ Lumber jill match (wrestlers standing gaurd outside the ring)
victory by pin or submission

Princess Nocturnal cursed her timing, challanging Lukretia when she had only just signed a deal with the equally evil Cassandra Sellers to make her comissioner. Sellers and Lukretia together on the same page meant trouble for everyone, Princess Nocturnal had to admit that if she had known about the deal or not, she couldn't have allowed that to intimidate her into staying quiet... Otherwise they will always get away with their wrong doings, espicially now.

Princess Nocturnal didn't have an official entrance theme and so used the trumpets that was used in her earlier promo. The spot light turned towards the top of the ramp where she stood with her fists on her hips and her brilliant white cape blowing behind her. She held the pose for a good handful of seconds and then finally strode down towards the ring with a determind look on her face...

It was no DQ so she knew Lukretia intended to play dirty, probably using low blows and such... It was a lumber jill match with wrestlers choosen by Lukretia so Princess Nocturnal knew that she would have to stay in the ring at all cost... Other then that, despite all of Lukretia's evil schemes, Princess Nocturnal believed she could trimuph over the poor odd... Villians never would fight you on fair terms so she had to account for that and adapt!

Princess Nocturanl climbed into the ring and moved to the center, placing her fist on her hips once again as she looked up the ramp way, waiting for her opponent

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:25 am
Search in: Archive Matches (Friction)
Topic: Princess Nocturnal vs. Lukretia von Creuzfeldt
Replies: 44
Views: 8853

Where there is tyranny and injustice... (aimed at Lukretia)

A set of hero inspired trumpet cut in at full volume and the screen turned on to a set of firm plump breasts covered in breast plate armour. Gradually the camera zoomed out to reveal the Perpetual Knight, Princess Nocturnal standing there in all of her glory with her fists smartly placed at her hips and her white cape flowing in the breeze. It seemed that she was standing on the roof of the AFW complex for effect.

"Where there is tyranny and injustice… The Perpetual Knight, Princess Nocturnal will be there to right wrongs and bring villains to answer for their crimes… Today your heroine, a crusader for the people, will embark on a mission to take down yet another wretched scoundrel who dares to threaten the loyal subjects of AFW…" Princess Nocturnal took her right hand from her hip and pointed out towards the camera.

"This fiend I speak of is YOU, Lukretia Von Creuzfeldt… Surely you must have realized that your crimes would not go unpunished! Foul deeds such as what you have done to Eclipse and countless more no doubt... Now you will have to answer to me within the squared circle. Repent now while you still can and perhaps your soul will not be damned for eternity." With that the camera zoomed out further away till it showed the whole of the AFW complex roof, Princess Nocturnal still standing in her heroic pose as if she was a statue.

Search Tag:
by Kelsea
on Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:56 pm
Search in: AFW Promo
Topic: Where there is tyranny and injustice... (aimed at Lukretia)
Replies: 2
Views: 1160

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