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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

Tag Team Champions
#1 contender

Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
#1 contender

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Bianca Garcia
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Panther Risako
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Ellie St. James

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Piper Sherwood
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Tension World Champion
Sierra Oasis
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Iris Takahashi
#1 contender
Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli

Match Request and exposure cause I'm tired in looking for one.

Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:27 am by Mr. Q

Open for Anything.
I like them exciting matches!!!

Likes: Lewds (I'm up for any lewd matches)
Dislikes: Gross stuff

RP details: Generally, I like to do Intergender matches (leaning to male side) but I can FvF.
No MvM though.
1-2 paragraphs is okay to me but sometimes adapt to partners.

Ivan Ramirez, Agila of Manila:

Kanon Daiba, Friendly Fire:


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Returning and seeking a match

Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:03 am by GrandAkumaShogun

Hello all, long time no see, I'm aiming to come back and be more consistent on here. So I'm looking for a match for one of my boys; Takeichi Mori, Takeshi Kawai, or Imai Cosmo. Their profiles are below.

Takeichi Mori

Takeshi Kawai

Imai Cosmo

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Match request (1 on 1, Hentai possible)

Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:35 pm by carat

What it says. I finished rounding up some character ideas- there's a couple more coming- and I was wondering of anyone would be interested in taking one of my girls out for a spin.

(...autocorrect tried to change that for "out for a spanking". I mean, guess that could be arranged XDDDD)

As you can see from the profile,  I don't have any strong preferences. I'm mostly 1 on 1 now because I don't have that much experience or a stable for tag teams,  but aside from that, anything is fair game. …

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First Impressions

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First Impressions Empty First Impressions

Post by acuyra Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:48 am

The Tension parking lot could be a rather dangerous place. Granted, so could any parking. Particularly a parking lot adjacent to the building of a prominent wrestling organization, where matches could and often did happen without any apparent preamble. It was no odd sight to be walking about, minding your own business on your way to the car, and suddenly find a hardcore match happening all around you. Came with the territory.

But this parking lot had something that made it different than the others. Three women, who were currently sitting on their motorcycles, chatting as they waited right in front of some guy’s car. Everyone who was stupid enough to come close were given a sharp glare from the women, before they inevitably scampered off with tails between their legs.

These were the Valkyries, the wolves of Tension, and they were waiting for someone.

Makoto, the leader, leaned against her bike, steadily drumming her fingers on the seat. She’d been quiet for a good time, unusually so for her, and her lieutenants had certainly taken notice. Something was gnawing on her mind, and it wouldn’t be too long before she blurted it out. They just had to wait.

After a few minutes, she finally broke after she’d checked the time on her phone for the fifteenth time. ”Where the fuck is he?” She barked Devine's way, that question aimed straight at her. "This is the right time, isn't it?"

Devine, who’d decided to spend her time laying on the hood of their target’s car, yawned and stretched, not even bothering to lift her head up. "That's why my guy in the offices said. He should be finishing his meeting soon." She tapped the hood with her heel.”He's not leaving without his car, relax. Are you really in that much of a hurry to beat someone up?” She chuckled and curled her leg up. ”It’s not like we don’t do that on a semi-regular basis.”

Makoto grumbled and stuck her phone away, looking over her shoulder to glare at Devine. She couldn’t get too mad at her - the woman was like a cat, doing and saying whatever came to mind - but the situation as a whole was what annoyed her to no end. ”This isn’t like just mugging some guy on the street. You do get the reason we’re out here, right? See the importance of it?”

”Because we’ve got nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon?” She crossed her fingers behind her head and laid back even further, her long legs stretching down the hood, looking tight in her denim jeans. ”Well, rephrase that - you’ve got nothing better to do a Friday afternoon.”

Makoto groaned and looked Stone’s way, but the big bruiser was keeping out of this one. She’d found a pillar to lean against and had her eyes closed, meditating. Or praying. Or sleeping. It was hard to tell with Stone, sometimes.

She ran her hand through her hair, her brown hair sifting through her gloves. ”Devine. Why are we in the AFW?”

”To pick up hot girls.” Answered without even taking a second to think.

”Aside from that.” Makoto cracked her knuckles, trying to sate her violent itch. ”We’re here to dominate, to take over. And to do that, we need to start setting examples.” She pointed up, at the not-so-discreetly hidden camera. ”Examples that everyone gets to see.”

First Impressions SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by Yori Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:28 am

When it was finally time to leave Makio was exhausted. He had fought his way through grueling iron man bouts, been locked in cages, and drop his fair share of elbows off things suspended far higher off the ground than he cared to recall. None of them really compared to contract negotiations.  He didn't have the killer instinct to impose and request more than what was offered. After all, he was here as much for himself as he was for them. The benefits seemed mutual. He bore no illusion that these people would have taken him for all his worth given the chance.

Mr. Okada in that regard was a godsend. A small portly man in stature, with round face with thick choke bottle frames. His meek appearance coupled with his aggressive business tactics was always something to behold. Even if he couldn't follow most of the conversation, he could tell the man was passionate, he always had been. Once a deal had been made the two walked out together and briefly spoke.

He'd been able to secure good terms, as well as some wiggle room with match booking, which was something of a boon. Makio wasn't picky with who he faced, but was aware of many who made their home within the AFW that he wished to lock horns with. Perhaps this would do him good down the road, but for now he was intent on being just a member of Tension's roster in whatever capacity they'd have him.

He had walked Mr Okada to his car, the least he could do. The man had been his manager from nearly the start, the both of them grew their careers off the other's success. The man was more family to him than many of his actual extended family, and even then they rarely spoke these days due to travel. This had been the first time in over a year they had met face to face rather than over a digital call, so he wanted to make the most of it.

On the way back to his own car, a rather unremarkable rental vehicle he caught sight of a few figures in the distance lingering around, and in one case on top of his car. An azure brow quirked as he cautiously made his way along the fronts of other parked cars. He looked fairly plain in street clothes, generic almost. Scuffed brown work boots, faded jeans, he had even worn the Tension promotional shirt they had sent him prior to signing as a sign of good faith and endorsement. Over it all he wore a well loved brown jacket with a blue cloth inset, a hood attacked to the collar was drawn back hanging. A small simple backpack to tie it all together, filled with his ring gear and some copies of paperwork Mr. Okada had handed him for safe keeping.

Once he had reached within ear shot without need of shouting he spoke up and slowed his walk to leave a healthy distance between him and them. "Good afternoon. I hope there isn't some sort of problem?" He turned his head slightly, pale eyes flicking between each of them. He seemed rather genuine in his prodding question. Most of his attention fell to Devine however, gaze affixed to them after each had gotten a small look.

First Impressions JTYmfg2

Posts : 5194
Join date : 2017-11-19

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by acuyra Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:18 am

Thankfully for Makoto - and Stone’s patience - the group didn’t have to wait long before their prey arrived. Sure enough, the man came into view, unwittingly walking in on three of the last people he’d want to meet in Tension.

Blue Thunder Mask, come on down.

Makoto didn’t say anything at first, curious to see his reaction. Everyone had their own, unique reaction to this routine, and it was always a treat to get the surprise. The one guy who ran, then tripped after about ten feet. The woman who thought she could take Makoto by surprise and get the others to back off. The one guy who kept on walking and hoped they wouldn’t see him.

Makoto was willing to bet that Makio would be the type to do something bold and superheroish. The mask-types were alway into that stuff, acting like their choice of costume and gimmick gave them immunity from ass-kickings. She would happily dissuade him of that notion.

She was all set for his move, when he surprised her by not having much of a move at all. He just looked at them, like this was some common occurrence in his life, to have three biker chicks hanging out in front of and on his car. In particular, he looked at Devine, who’d managed to sit up and was mentally undressing him, in the lewd smile on her face was any clue. ”Hey, handsome.” She licked her lips. ”I’m sure you could help me with-”

Makoto cut her off with a quickly raised hand, sighing as she walked over to Makio. ”Yeah, shutting that down.” She stopped right in front of Makio and looked him straight up and down. To be fair to Devine, she wasn’t wrong - the dude was pretty good looking, way moreso when you considered the competition. The average Tension male at the physique of a No. 2 pencil, but Makio? He was built like a man. Tall, solid, good structure. He was the first guy they’d come across who Stone wasn’t that much bigger than, if she was at all.

Makoto was impressed. Not that she’d show it, of course. ”Hey, stud. You’re a busy man, so I won’t waste your time. We’re the Valkyries - Makoto, Devine, Stone.” She pointed to each one in turn. ”Long story short, Tension is our playground. You want to hang in the sandbox, fine, but you have to pay your dues. So, just let me have whatever cash you have on you, or leave your card if you’re dry. Simple, right?”

She extended her hand, wide open and waiting, with the glimmer of a smirk creeping along her mouth. Now came the fun part.

First Impressions SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by Yori Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:04 am

All in all he seemed to be taking this rather well. He certainly hadn't expected anything good for the encounter. rarely did choice meetings take place in the back of parking lots. The simple truth of the matter was they barred him from his car and until just this moment their intentions had gone unknown.

His eyes trained themselves onto Makoto looking down at her as she approached. Despite her stature she had an air of command that made her seem larger and more imposing than her physical limitations presented. He made certain to keep his eyes on her, a sign of respect, perhaps, but also viewing her as the immediate threat here. If these three were serious, and he felt as though they were, this was not a good position to be in.

He carefully weighed his options picking apart each potential scenario.

He could comply. Hand over his belongings and be done with it. They would all part ways. Perhaps. Once weakness was shown, it made him an easy target. Blood in the water for Mako to circle her Valkeries whenever she pleased to call on his wallet again. Once a leech sunk its teeth into your flesh, it was not content to simply drink, it engorged.

In the same vain he could flee. Perhaps even out run them all... His eyes briefly scanned the parking lot, resting upon each of their motorcycles before drifting back to Makoto. He wouldn't be able to outrun those however. Just as with handing over his money, it would lead to the same ends. They would return for him again, though he wouldn't have the luxury again with speaking to them face to face. No doubt they would catch him someplace remote and unawares to prevent him from fleeing again

He would not submit or flee. It wasn't a matter of pride or money, it was more a matter of principal.

What else was there? He could make the first move, perhaps even take down the woman before him. Then the other two would be on him and the encounter would be over. He had no doubts Stone in particular only need lay her hands on him to do irreparable damage to him alone without the added caveat there were two others to hold him down for a beating. Against three, no matter how skilled one was, the odds were stacked against you. Survival wasn't based on taking unnecessary risks, it was built on mitigating them.

No. All potential paths were wrought peril, the only one left was to appeal to their image. It was no doubt a gamble, but the lesser of evils his mind to wrap its head around. There was a chance they would attack him regardless, in which case he would do the best he could for as long as he could. But there was still a chance he could talk his way through this. He just needed to tread carefully and treat these women with the respect they seem to think they deserved.

"Makoto, Devine, Stone." He gave each of them a slight bow of his head, he didn't dare dip any lower, not with Makoto before him. He left his hands at his side, appearing as non threatening as he could manage... not that he was particularly imposing. "I am Harada Makio."

"While I appreciate your candor, I must respectfully decline." He sounded genuine enough. If there was a high road to take, he seemed content to remain on their level and walk with them towards whatever lay in store.

First Impressions JTYmfg2

Posts : 5194
Join date : 2017-11-19

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by acuyra Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:20 pm

Right away, Makoto could sense there was something off about Makio. Something off-kilter. Something different. She stood there, watching as he took a second to read the area and make his move. Or his lack of a move, more like. The man was taking his time to think, read the room, consider his options.

He wasn’t the only one thinking, either. Stone had finally deigned to stop leaning on the pillar and take a step forward, her hands coming to her sides. Her face was as unmoving as her namesake.

Even Devine had slid off the car and stood at attention, though her interest in Makio was still was more focused in more festive interests.

For her part, Makoto stared up at Makio as he stared down at her. He didn't know who she was, but she could tell he was able to do what most couldn’t when they saw her for the first time, looking past the size and seeing a threat. Smart man.  Could he keep on making smart decisions, though?

When he finally spoke, Stone started to step towards him, ready to kick this off. He’d said no, and the way this was supposed to work, that was all they needed to hear before the beatdown began…

She hit the brakes when Makoto raised her hand, though, her gaze still fixed up at Makio, a slight smirk holding on her lips. ”Okay, Harada Makio. She gave his chest a nice tap. Rock solid, from the feel of it. ”You can read the room, you know where this is going. What, is it a principles things? She lazily canted her head to the side. ”Because you can’t pay a hospital bill with principles.”

First Impressions SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by Yori Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:02 pm

Makio was keenly aware of the shifting figures within his peripheral vision. Stone and Devine had moved from their respectable states of rest, now standing at the ready. Hounds to be turned loose should he have nothing of worth to give the three of them, money or otherwise. He hadn't looked to them, paid them any mind after introductions had been made. It was Makoto who spoke for them all, and she commanded respect, so he obliged. The fact they were still talking was as much of a boon to him as it was telling. What were their goals, these three strangers who took time from their lives to wait for him specifically in the parking lot.

It certainly wasn't the money. His car appeared untouched, the sound system alone inside the rental was likely worth far more than any one person normally carried in currency these days. They hadn't just simply mugged him either. It seemed as though the prospects of money were either an afterthought, or a test of his mettle. He harbored no illusions that if things did go poorly they'd take him for everything he had, but he didn't intend to steer them down that road.

So what of the violence then? Asserting themselves on him. They were three, he was one. While it was true they risked getting hurt themselves in a tussle with him, they didn't strike him as the squeamish types. Again however, they took the time to speak to him instead. If it were merely about authority or bloodshed, that would have come easy to them. He didn't doubt their propensity to do harm even for a moment, but it didn't seem to be their goal. Another side benefit to the encounter, maybe. That really only left one thing.

He peered down as she thunked him in the chest, swaying with the natural force of the tap as he stood loose and ready.

"Something like that, yes. I'm inclined to believe you." Respect. It was the only thing that made sense to him. Be it genuine or out of fear, he was certain that was the driving force here this afternoon. So what to do with it? He certainly wouldn't call it out, not directly. Sharing his observations in total would be a one way ticket to having all three of these woman string him up. Facing injustice head only talking through the logic in his observations wouldn't serve him, it normally only worked like that in the movies. Image was important to these three, whether they wanted to believe it or not. Pride came with that, he was certain.

"A proposition. As this is your playground, perhaps you'd join me for recess."
He nodded his head back to the looming Tension building. "I'd like to challenge you to a match. If... you'd rather not though, I'd be willing to face Stone or Devine in your stay, if that would be more suitable. To you." It was do or die time now. He had tackled the key points he felt he had to to ensure his safety, that was the hope at least. An open challenge on the table now would make their assault on him now seem cowardly. A seed sowed questioning Makoto as a leader, willingness to step up for her Valkyries or take the cowards route and give them the burden to bear. If he was to be free of them, Makoto was his ticket. To slay the beast, remove its head.

He just hoped his assumptions had been right. He really wasn't looking forward to the hospital if it wasn't.

First Impressions JTYmfg2

Posts : 5194
Join date : 2017-11-19

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by acuyra Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:48 am

The Valkyries listened as Makio spoke, which actually wasn’t that hard to do. The man ha a pleasing voice, silky and smooth, and spoke with this oddly calm tone. You’d had thought he was talking to three nuns, not three bikers that would’ve happily beaten him to a bloody pulp in the street. Granted, a lot of that just boiled down to him being savvy, knowing that he needed to keep his lip in check around the. But if it was an act, it was one he was exceptionally good at. S

So, he met her offer with a counter offer - a challenge. That one took Makoto by surprise and she didn’t have a problem showing it on her face, as she scratched her chin and contemplated what was going down. Her first instinct was to just have Stone and Devine smack him around, anyway, not wanting to go through the trouble…

...but, truth told, she could’ve used a good match. She’d lost some credit ever since Bryan Daniels got that fluke of a win over her a few months back. Her spot as the leader hadn’t been officially challenged...yet. But she could hear the whispers. See the looks. The conversations that obviously changed subject the moment she entered a room. She’d fought to take her spot with the Valkyries, and someone could fight to take it away from her.

Taking out a guy - and a sort of famous guy at that - would be a good way to win back some points.

She opened her mouth, prepared to accept, and-

”Dibs!” Devine hopped off the car and shot her hand into the air, bouncing up and down with her breasts following close behind.

Makoto spun about and glared her down. ”You don’t get dibs. You can’t dib me, I’m the leader. I have dibs by default.”

Devine pouted, her bee stung lips sticking out. ”Aw, come on, I could show him a much better time.” She winked his way and opened her jacket, showing off her tight,red top and breasts of questionable authenticity. ”You, me, hentai match. Anytime. I’ll even throw in a bottle of oil.”

Makoto and Stone groaned as one, before she turned back to Makio and looked up his way.[color:0079= Green]”Okay, okay. You want a match? You’ve got a match.You and me, toe to toe. Fair warning, though...”

Makoto stepped up to him, chest to stomach. It wasn’t easy to get the intimidation across when your target was a good head a half taller, but she thought she made a good try of it. ”I’m not the kind of girl who stops when a bell rings. I stop when I feel like it. You’re getting that beating, one way or another.”

First Impressions SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by Yori Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:31 am

Maktoto's surprise at the challenge made him ponder, how often did they do this very thing to others, and did no one think to watch this road he was taking? Perhaps that had been the easy in which they had approached, others would simply turn over for them when confronted by force. It was possible. He left his steely gaze on her, stoic exterior impenetrable, will unshakable...


Makoto had turned away from him, and he found himself also looking where she had. Both of them stared at Devine, an azure brow arched at how gung-ho the woman had become. There was no denying between the three, Devine's picturesque form was a sight to behold, and her offer lead him to momentarily challenge his values before simply shaking his head. As they argued lips tightened, jawline clenched as he tried very, VERY hard not to crack under the pressure to laugh at the exchange.

The levity, while welcome in this particular situation is not what he needed now. He was trying to be a professional after all. As Makoto and Stone dismissed Devine, he did as well, thankful on some level the leader wished to get her own hands dirty. Between the three of them, he would gladly stare down Stone over being subjected to Devine in the ring, of that he was certain.

"I appreciate the warning Makoto. Thank you."
He did in fact. It raised the stakes in a tangible way. One that he would most certainly be touched by if he didn't win. He simply nodded, keeping any potential witty retorts he had for the woman to himself. Makio would save those for the ring when it was just the two of them. As Makoto imposed himself on him, he made no move, letting her do her thing.

He couldn't say he liked these women under the circumstances in which they found themselves here, but couldn't deny that without the threat of violence, sex, and mugging, they had a certain charm. Makoto in particularly interested her, her small compact form and impressive aura of authority over the others was a curiosity, one in which he might be able to learn more about in the ring. She had a chip on her shoulder and something to prove. He could relate to that on some level. Everyone he faced had a story, more often than not, in the heat of battle it sometimes boiled over.

Who are you, really?

"I look forward to seeing what you can do."

First Impressions JTYmfg2

Posts : 5194
Join date : 2017-11-19

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First Impressions Empty Re: First Impressions

Post by acuyra Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:09 am

A few minutes later, and Makoto was racing down the dark highways of Tokyo, with Devine and Stone keeping up close behind. They weaved in and out of traffic with ease, snaked their way through the crowd, navigated the streets without a single problem. As they should - Makoto was a veteran of Tokyo, learning every inch of it as she grew up. It was her city, the one she’d fought and bled for, and no one was going to stop her from claiming it. She was more than willing to kick Makio’s ass, if it meant securing her spot and bringing some fame to the Valkyries. Not an issue.

So, what was with this niggling little thought at the back of her head? The strange, sneaking suspicion that something was off?

Tension men fit a mold. Most of them were wimps, thin-boned no-names who signed up because this was the only way they could get a woman to touch them.

Other were jocks with power fantasies, who just liked hurling smaller women around and got their rocks off that way.

This guy, though, was different. Amazingly so. He was corny, sure, but there was something oddly genuine about it. Polite, but with conviction under his voice, a straight-laced, do-gooder the likes of which she’d never encountered in her life before. A total boyscout

No. It was horseshit, had to be an act. Nobody was that straight-laced, that wholesome, that goddamn saccharine. Makio would have some kind of angle, turn out to be hiding it, and she’d figure it out mid-match. That was the only thing that gelled.

Who are you, really?

Makoto snorted from within her helmet, cranked up the accelerator, and took off down the highway lanes, filling the night air with the sound of her roaring engine.

First Impressions SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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