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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Bianca Garcia
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Panther Risako
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Ellie St. James

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Iris Takahashi
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Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli

Femdom matches with smothers in mixed matches

Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:01 am by jdo_sss

If anyone has any female characters that needs more wins and uses moves like stinkface, breast smother etc let me know message me on discord thanks


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Mixed Match

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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An Italian Sandwich

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An Italian Sandwich Empty An Italian Sandwich

Post by acuyra Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:27 am

It was a lovely day in Tokyo. A little cold, but not as bad as it could get. Just chilly enough to be outside and enjoy the clear skies, to take a walk and enjoy the sun. The city was bustling and moving and humming as usual, with something interesting going down around every corner. A festival here. A soccer game over there. An anime convention downtown. Lots of smiling faces and fun people to meet and things to see.

That was why Bubbles was a bit perturbed. She wasn’t out in any of that. She wasn’t walking in the streets, taking in the sights, watching any games. She was in a gym. Working out. Inside.

Granted, it wasn’t all bad. Firstly, she was working out with her former girlfriend/current wife, Mariah, so they were getting some good, quality time together. Second, they were at the famed Friction Gym, the legendary training grounds for the AFW. Even back in America, Bubbles had heard rumors of what went down in this place, sundry stories of sensational sex between the ropes. Maybe she wouldn’t witness anything like that today - there weren’t many people in the gym besides the two of them - but still, just the thought of it was making her feel some kinda way…

But she pushed that thought to back of her mind at the current moment. She had more pressing matters, like bench pressing the 300 pound weight currently above her head.


She laid there on the bench, clad in her black tight shorts and her white workout bra, lifting the steel up and down with a slow, steady rhythm, making to get the most out of every inch. Mariah stood over her head, ostensibly there to spot for her. In reality, Bubbles suspected she was just there to watch her workout and show off the skimpy, hip-hugging Daisy Dukes she’d bought, along with the red tanktop that put her breasts on fine display. Never one for modesty. Neither of them, really, but especially her.

”3...4…” She paused for a quick moment to spare a glance up at Mariah, noting the silly grin and soft eyes of her wife, gazing down on her. ”Hiiiiiiii.” She hummed and completed another rep. ”...5. Something wrong, lover?”

”Hm? Say what?” Mariah snapped out of her trance with a couple of blinks, then shook her head. ”Oh, sorry. Just forget how sexy you are when you’re pouting. Taking it in.”

Bubbles managed a sigh. Or as much of a sigh as she could do while breathing in heavy. ”Not pouting...6”

”So pouting. 5.”

Bubbles opened her mouth to count another rep, then groaned when she almost said ‘6’ again. ”Gah, don’t do that! 7, 7, 7.” She tried hard to hide the mirth in her voice and suppress the giggle. She failed. ”But seriously. Not pouting. Serious.”

”Uh-huh.” Mariah strutted around the bench, no doubt enjoying the view from a fresh angle. ”Look, babe, I know you’re a little disappointed. But business before pleasure, right? It’s not like Tokyo’s going anywhere.”

Bubbles licked her lips as she eeked out the final rep, knowing this little talk was coming. Yes, she was a bit irked that they were spending this lovely day inside, but she didn’t want to make a big deal of it. ”One sec.” She pushed up one last time and laid the bar to rest above her head, taking care not to nip her fingers along with it. With that done, she sat up and took a moment to wipe the sweat off her brow, before she looked up at Mariah with the widest smile she could manage. ”I’m not mad. Really.”

”Really really?”

”Really really.” She reached over and wrapped an arm around Mariah’s hip, pulling her over to her side with a tug. ”You’re the manager, I’m the wrestler, I get the whole professional aspect. I know…” She bit her lip, knowing Mariah could connect the dots.

”This is our honeymoon.”

”Yeah, it’s our honeymoon. And I’m all for this whole wrestling tour and I want to win matches and spread the name around, sure. But I think pleasure should come a bit before business this time.” She waved her spare arm about, letting her wedding band flash in the light. ”We’re in Tokyo. This town is pretty much the lesbian capital of the world these days. Let’s go somewhere. Let’s meet people. Let’s get dirty. Let’s play.”

Mariah’s face softened as she pondered Bubbles’ words, folding her arm and rolling her thoughts around like she always did when she was considering something. It had gone for a few seconds when her something behind Bubbles caught her eye, and whatever it was brought a devilish grin to her lips. ”Maybe we can mix business and pleasure.”

An Italian Sandwich SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by scorn53 Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:15 pm

A lovely day for some it seemed.

Less so for others.

Clad on the other side of the gym in a crimson sports bra and matching shorts, Diana Accera was curiously surrounded with many, yet no friends. Ever seeking a means to distract her wandering mind from the thoughts it attempted to rest upon, Diana's recent marathon as it were inside the gym led the Italian to a number of curious workouts.



And now, sparring with complete and utter strangers. It had not been the first time Diana had accepted a challenge as it were from those she did not even know the name of, but it was certainly the first occurrence where Diana had such a sheer volume of would-be boxers. Given the abruptness of her impromptu challenge, the Italian sadly found herself wanting. Whilst herself far from being what one would call as a top striker within the wrestling industry, Diana's expertise in boxing itself put against would-be fighters as opposed to genuine ones brought the Italian to cutting through the challengers like a hot knife through butter. Quantity did not make up for quality it seemed.

"This is a fucking joke..." Making no efforts to hide her disliking of yet another foe who apparently did not know the meaning of the word 'block,' Diana found herself offering a hand to the dropped fighter simply in effort to ensure a quicker exit. If her previous words were not hint enough, her next most certainly would be.

"Go on. Fuck off."

The entire group of barely passable gym rats fleeing with tails between her legs, Diana soon found herself in the corner of the ring she now stood alone in. Despite having been in the gym itself since the early hours of the day, the level of competition had left the Italian's frame practically untouched. The only bead of sweat upon her more likely gained from the heat of the sparring area than it was to actual exertion, Diana was even considering whether running her fit, tall figure under a shower was even necessary. Dumping the gloves lazily through the ropes, it was only now the Italian bothered to reflect on her mistake.

To next time, definitely get someone up to par.


Posts : 3516
Join date : 2015-07-24

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by acuyra Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:43 am

It wasn’t long before Mariah’s watchful eye locked onto something worthy of their time - she had a gift for finding fun. Reason #247 why Bubbles enjoyed spending time with her. ”Hey, hey, hey.” She gave Bubbles a poke, right in the bellybutton, then pointed over to one of the practice rings on the far side of the room. ”Check that out.”

Bubbles sat up and gave it a gander, taking note of all the women who’d gathered over there. They all seemed tired, beaten, defeated, like they’d been put through the ringer, and they’d clearly had enough for the day. As they made their way out of the gym, though, she spied something more intriguing - one fo them had stayed behind. She stood in the ring. Alone. Maybe a tad pissed off. Even so, her figure shined in the lights, glimmering over her alabaster skin. Her poise was almost regal, and her form drove that idea home, with flesh stretched tight on muscles. She was like a living statue.

”Oh, wow.” Bubbles whistled as she leaned forward and squinted, trying to get a better look. ”Who is that?”

”That,” She held up a finger with one hand while she checked her phone with the other. ”Is Diana Accera. Relatively new on the AFW scene, pretty big name. She’s gone up against some big names - doesn’t always win, but she gives hell, no matter what. Spicy Italian meatball.”

”That’s racist.”

”You’re racist.” Mariah flicked her tongue at Bubbles.  “She was actually on the list of first opponents I wanted for you, but my request never went through.”

Bubbles’ nose-wrinkled. ”You don’t say.” She looked up at Mariah from the corners of her eyes. ”She looks lonely over there. Kind of bored.”

Mariah reached over and gave Bubbles’ cheek - the one on her face - a pinch. ”Indeed she does. Let’s fix that.”

A moment later, the two of them were approaching the ring with Bubbles trailing close behind, walking over to where Diana was brooding. Mariah gave the apron a slap to get her attention then waved. ”Hey, there. Ms. Accera, right?” She reached back and patted Bubble’s six pack abs. ”My lady and I couldn’t help but notice you over here, all by yourself. If you’re looking for a playmate, she’s available.”

For her part, Bubbles didn’t say anything, letting her gaze do the talking. A wide grin was on her face as she examined Diana up close, looking her over from head to toe and then doing it all over again.

An Italian Sandwich SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by scorn53 Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:19 pm

Truthfully, Diana didn't know where she would point herself at now. Her attitude was long past the point where she could successfully acquire a sparring partner, that was, if her robust physique and the challenge presented by it alone did not render any possible contenders uninterested. It was an off-day at the gym after all.

Pondering whether she should just called it a day there, or perhaps somewhat mundanely put her frame before a punching bag, the feeling came across Diana that she was being watched. Her roaring at the previously unsatisfactory sparring partners gained her the attention of anyone not mid-set, but this was different.

Whichever eyes were latched on her, weren't going anytime soon.

Shaking it off at first, Diana found herself bending through the opposing ropes, apparently decided that an inanimate bag would indeed gain her wrath. Better than nothing, she figured.

Halfway through, somewhat unceremoniously posing her rear to anyone that by chance happened to be behind her, Diana heard a call. Annoyingly, they knew her name.

"Fucks sake..." Sighing, as in her mind another would-be yet amateur contender had opted to accept her call, Diana didn't turn around at first in amidst her frustration.

"I'm done for the day. Some other useless fucking gym rat will-Oh..." Turning midway to find that the smaller, softer voice spoke for a literal giant, Diana found herself lost for words, as her singular encounter with another figure of Bubble's size flickered through her mind.

"Jesus Christ."
Hands to her hips, the figure had most certainly caught Diana's attention, with the Italian taking a step back into the ring.

"What the fuck they been putting in the water here..."


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Join date : 2015-07-24

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by acuyra Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:11 pm

Mariah just chuckled at Diana’s initial response, loving the gall of it and admiring the view as the Italian bent over. This was the sort of thing that made her wish she was back between the ropes again, missing was it was like to roll around with beauties like this.

”Potty mouth on this one.” Bubbles murmured Mariah’s way.

”Oh, yeah. That ass, though…”

They waited for Diana to talk a little more, and then they both got their favorite moment when it came to meeting new people. That golden second when someone realized just how big Bubbles was, and they got that wide-eyed, ‘holy crap’ look. Bubbles had seen that look pretty much every day since she hit her growth spurt, but it never got old.

Mariah stepped forward as Bubble’s hopped onto the apron and looked down on Diana from an equal plane, making sure the size difference was clear. That wasn't to say Diana was small, she had to be around six feet up there, or damn close to it. Tall for a woman. Bubbles, on the other hand, was tall for just about anybody.

”So, introduction time. I'm Mariah, and this vision of beauty and dominance is my wife, Bubbles.” She leaned forward on the apron and bounced from foot to foot, struggling to contain her excitement. ”Am I to take from your expression and strange comments that you accept the challenge?”

An Italian Sandwich SPoWQN2

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Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by scorn53 Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:17 pm

Once the initial shock of such a size being before her had faded, Diana had only excitement overwhelm her. Sure, there was still a chance that this now monstrous figure before her would offer the same level of challenge her past try-hards did, but such a chance was considerably less with Bubbles. The height may be natural, but the sheer density on her foe was certainly not.

"Mmmh.." Hands to her hips as she approached the figure, Diana left just enough space for Bubbles to enter the ring directly before her, seemingly inviting her to do so with her positioning. The beauty to her side was worth no ignorance, but Diana firmly planted her eyes on the one she'd now very much be tangling with.

Albeit, not before breifly leaning to her side, to plant eyes on Mariah past the thick wall of meat now before her.

"Does it speak?" Smile on her face as if to mock and goad the giant a little before the battle itself began, Diana now purposefully shrugged the figure off.

"Does it know what it's getting itself in for?"


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Join date : 2015-07-24

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by acuyra Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:54 am

Bubbles made her way into the ring in the way that only someone of her size could - by bringing one leg up, stepping over the tope rope, and sliding her way inside. She came down near Diana and stood in front of her looking down and getting a closer look at the figure she’d been admiring before. There was a natural sexiness to this woman that she found amazingly alluring. While she certainly had nothing against flaunting what you had, Bubbles had a respect for those who could look sexy in even the simplest things.

It was getting hard to fight her temptations and not just attempt to ravage Diana off the bat. It was nigh impossible to derail her thought process when it got like this, so while the Italian’s attempts to tick her off were admirable, they weren’t going to add up to much in the end.

All Bubbles did was smile wider and lick her lips. The ravenous hunger in her eyes was clear as day as she leaned forward, placing their faces mere inches apart.

”Oh, it certainly does know. And it’s looking forward to seeing what this little woman can do. So don’t disappoint.” On an impulse, she shot her tongue out and brushed it over Diana’s lips, getting herself a quick sample. Couldn’t resist. ”Yum.”

An Italian Sandwich SPoWQN2

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Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by scorn53 Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:28 pm

When it came to everything outside the ring, Diana might aswell of walked around with a blindfold when it came to people. Inside the ring, she was the definition of acute; often determining her opponents fighting intentions with little passage of time. This figure before her was something different.

She wanted to fight, maybe.

But did she want something 'else' alongside?

No. She couldn't have. Surely. Her wife was but a few metres away.

Quickly putting initial thoughts aside, Diana and her smug expression found herself closing the distance to the giant the moment she was ring bound. Often enough, and this time included, Diana enjoyed a brief pressing of frames before the fight itself had begun, to not only play a quick round of mind games, but to compare figures fully. And ninety nine times out of a hundred, there was no element of sexuality or attraction. Not that she needed such to know that in this particular spar, strength should not be her focus.

That was, before she found a tongue meeting her lips before anything else, stopping Diana dead.

Eyes wide, everything suddenly became clear.

They were one of those couples. Evidently, given the giant figures wife seemed to not mind in the slightest.

"'s like that..." Face carrying a dark glare, Diana opted to shoot back in a manner befitting Bubble's own 'first assault.' Namely, by bringing her right hand up to give a resounding slap to that large rear, keen to see both how her sparring partner would react, and just how much jiggle the bigger beauty had.


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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by acuyra Thu Jul 13, 2017 10:15 pm

Not only did Mariah not mind her significant other licking Diana’s ripe lips, she actively encouraged and anticipated it. Heck, she even made sure to get a picture of it with her phone, storing it for future purposes. ”And score.” She swiftly stuffed it back in her pocket and focused on the confrontation. ”Nice.”

Back inside the ring, things were getting understandably heated, in multiple ways. Bubbles’ lick hasn't just been for fun - oh, that was a big part of it, but far from the sole driver. Given the way she wrestled by default - lots of rubbing, groping, hugging - it was always good to get a read on how receptive her opponent would be, before the match started. Once things got underway, she was a bit like a speeding freight train, nigh impossible to stop once she picked up momentum.

To her great delight, though, Diana was receptive. More than that, she seemed eager, and the hard slap on Bubbles’ as confirmed it.

The Virgin Killer let out a loud, scandalous gasp at the strike, as her ass jiggled about like a wave ran through it. Always a lover of a good spanking, the gesture set her blood on fire. She was ready to wrestler Diana before, but now it was a raging hungry. She wanted the Italian beneath her. On the floor. Sweaty and squirming. Right now.

”So. We understand each other.” Bubbles bit her lip and took a few steps back, making some distance between them. She didn't intend for it to stay empty for long. ”What are we waiting for then?”

Her muscles tensed and she lowered her stance, looking like a tiger ready to pounce at the slightest movement. ”Let’s play.”

An Italian Sandwich SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 38
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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An Italian Sandwich Empty Re: An Italian Sandwich

Post by scorn53 Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:04 pm

Initially, despite Bubbles being as much a treat on the eyes as she was to a measuring stick, Diana felt little sexual attraction. She'd learnt such out of practice, long before even stepping foot into an AFW ring. Bringing sexuality into every fight, often against women who were straight, was just bad form. And somewhat awkward.

But when she herself was at the end of an invitation?

How could she decline.

And the more she thought about it, the less Diana wanted to adopt her usual wrestling stratagem. No, Bubbles wouldn't get the usual Diana; a fast hitting, powerful force who'd deliver damage as quickly as she'd pull away. No, too much of Diana wanted to lay her hands slowly on this figure, in amidst her monstrous interest to see who could establish dominance. Bubbles had the strength part covered of course, but there was more than one way to ascend to a throne.

And whats more, Diana couldn't resist seeing what such a sexual giant had in mind, given her first motion was tasting of lips. That became apparent, when the Italian's posture turned relaxed; single hand to her hip, the other extending.

"Your move..." Head tilting the moment she spoke, Diana couldn't resist a brief goad at the ringside wife. "Watch closely Jack. I'm about to chop down your beanstalk..."


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Join date : 2015-07-24

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