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Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:16 am by jdo_sss

Looking for an mixed match on this forum looking for my character mostly be smothered and dominated though you can message me here or on discord lilpeep44_6

NitroVitro- the display name on discord message me if interested

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Harrier Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:53 am

While the sage had officially cemented the first pin in this match, Amaya had only slightly ten sed her hooked leg but not tried to kick out in all earnest, or tried to raise a shoulder. She had been too fixated on the ass of the Conqueror and had bathed in the sensation of how Ailinn had seduced her into enjoying herself in a gentle and determined way.
The DJ had also picked up how Amaya had crumbled into the arms of the other girl and would react to it by playing this song.

Squeezing the butt in her hand through the fabrication of the dress of the Irish, her mouth would halfway open and her tongue would come out to wet her lips so that they would shine a little and look more desirable. Her other hand would then streak over her own lips before attempting to reach out for the lips of the bigger girl.
she muttered in a tired, submissive yet deeply satisfied tone, trying to seduce the Conqueror into kissing her on the lips.
”Please, Ailinn-hime. Kissu.”

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:36 pm

With a loud "THREE!" the incorporeal sage signaled the complete pin and that the first fall of this match would go to Ailinn's count. This was the only obvious outcome for the match if anyone was to have a peak at the Irish's thoughts, but having some formal ascertainment of this was a satisfactory sensation. Everything was going as planned, as it should be, confirming the Conqueror's domination over the weaker, smaller girl.

It may have not looked like it all along, but the greenette's domination over Amaya had been complete all over the match. The Maiko was just so good at hiding it, but the truth had remained unequivocal and undeniable. Ailinn found in the current state of her rival some reassuring: it wasn't like the smaller girl was resisting her ravaging after all, it was just that she had played a really well-thought mind game on her, making the Conqueror doubt for some seconds. But the masquerade was off and now she could see the results of her actions clear to the eye. Amaya was spent on the floor only able to weakly squeeze the Irish's butt while craving for more pleasure. Ailinn looked at those desirous eyes with a cold stare while the weakened girl asked for a kiss.

Ailinn would then reposition so her rival wasn't able of more fondling on her butt, then she would lay closer to her rival's head. With her left hand she would then take a grip on Amaya's chin to make her face so close to the Conqueror's that she could feel the desperate whimpers of the Maiko. Closing her eyes she would push a little forward, her lips almost touching and then she would suddenly change positions and slap Amaya's face with her right hand! Just after that Ailinn would drag the fingers she used to bring the woman to orgasm all around her face, getting all of her face covered in the juices that still clinged to the Conqueror's digits. "Look at you, you are a mess, a whimpering mess. If you want a kiss then earn it!", she would say staring coldly at those craving eyes. Ailinn would then stand up and look around the ballroom at the walls she was sure were hiding the public and lifted her arms to her sides in a "Are you entertained?" kind of way. These seconds would also prove precious for the greenette to take control over her desires now that she was again free from touch.


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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Harrier Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:14 pm

Amaya could have guessed that Ailinn was not so easy to appease from her talk early in this match. She had not fully excepted this brutality and had had a different idea of what would happen. But so far, so good at least she knew where she was standing in this regard, and the Irish was probably also reeling from internal problems right now if Amaya had read her body langue well enough all the time they had been in close contact. Wiping the first tears that had welled up in her eyes with her eye lashes, more shocked than in actual pain, she made the first attempt to roll over on her front. And failed.

With a heavy sigh, she would then suddenly still turn around until she was on her hands and knees to crawl over to Ailinn, heaving a heavy arm in the general direction of the Irish, looking pitiful and needy in the process before she would cower down and lower her head, weeping pitifully in a way that would surely put Ailinn not in the Maximus spectrum with the audience but rather in the one of Commodus.

If and when Ailinn would then turn around for a round of gloating like a gladiator or at least focus her attention on the invisible audience for a *what else did you expect?* moment which was probably inherent to all actor and powerplayers, she would attempt to hop on her feet like a frog and then lunge forward to catch both of the ankles of the other girl and hug them together to send her face first on the wooden floor in a surprise attack!

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:07 pm

Through the waves of history there had been lots of examples of the same very sort of flaw coming from glorious conquering figures. It is like something configured in the very DNA of a conqueror. Sometimes, just sometimes, in the middle of the glory of battle a dominator with the odds on their side would just let pride carry over, taking this ruler to a position they wouldn’t like. No great king or emperor was beyond this, and unluckily for her nor was Ailinn.

The Irish one was in the middle of her boast and gloat moment, still basking in the sensations of getting that first fall from Amaya with such easiness, that she didn’t notice what was really going on. Seeing her rival pathetically trying to get up and failing, only to be able of getting on her knees in front of the Conqueror swelled her chest with more pride. “You see now how futile your fight is, Amaya?” At that moment Ailinn finally went to face her opponent, expecting the visage of a broken thing, but the eyes that looked back didn’t show any kind of hopelessness but the fiery gaze of plotting some revenge.

Without giving the Conqueror any time to react the Maiko leapt like a frog, getting a strong grip at Ailinn’s ankles! “Wha…? Ghaah!” With this move quite secured, the greenette’s momentum acted against her as she lost all of her balance and fell face first to the ground! For some precious seconds she just lay there, trying to get the flickering sensation out from her body to retaliate, but Amaya still had the upper hand as this took her some time.


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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Harrier Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:34 pm

The aunt that had been her acting teacher in Kabuki school would probably not approve of her current line of work. Most certainly not to be precise. But she would probably be as proud of her right now as Ailinn had been proud of herself when she had strutted around like a peacock a moment before she had been felled. If it was an act, it was a good one. If it was real, this girl deserved every microfiber of pain that fall had caused her in the mind of the smaller girl.

Whatever may have been the case, Amaya knew that she had to act fast now. Not losing any time, she would sit herself on the back of her opponent, leaving a wet spot on the dress of Ailinn in the process before bending the arms of the other girl backward and lock them in a lotus lock, confident that her strong legs should be able to pacify the arms of the Irish, especially when she was dazed like right now. But not enough, to add a little insult to injury she would untie one of her ribbons in her hair in an attempt to sling it around the wrists of the conqueror and tie them together!
”Please excuse my behavior, Ailinn-sama.”
She excused her own act, still a full brunt Japanese good manners machine so to say. But a small jab must have been allowed here and there.
”You probably wish that you had kissed me right now.”

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:33 pm

Ailinn definitely wasn't expecting that kind of response coming from Amaya. She paid her pride hard as she didn't get to analyze her rival's behaviour completely. She was blind in her boasting so she wasn't able to see that the Maiko had a over the average resilience and pleasure enduring capabilities. The smaller woman had a sex drive capable of postpone a lot going from zero to orgasm but return to a starting point at full speed as she demonstrated right now, but it was all Ailinn's fault for not being able to predict this change of pace from Amaya.

Pain would dart through her body like an electric jolt as she fell flat head first on the mat. Her first reaction would be to cup her face with her hands while groaning in pain. The move was so sudden that she still was processing what happened, not even thinking about getting the fight back at Amaya. Then the Conqueror felt her rival's weight on top of her back and anxiousness took her. Not knowing what her rival was up was a sensation she wasn't expecting to feel that night and now she was the prey. She didn't have to wait long before knowing what was going on as Amaya took a grip at her hands and transitioned into a lotus hold!

"Ghah! Nnnngha! You are... gah! making a great mistake Amaya..." the Conqueror managed to say between grunts of pain while trapped in the hold. The Maiko looked determined enough to keep this strategy going to its very end since between all the pain she was submitted to she felt something lacing around her wrists. Ailinn's eyes widened in shock before this realization. No... not bindings. The greenette was a powerful dominatrix, but when someone gets on her submissive side she can get completely nullified. "I will give you one chance to correct yourself... but know that if you keep going like this nothing would save you from me..." Ailinn tried to sound though and resolved but right now she was at her worst in the match all along.


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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Harrier Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:20 pm

Payback was a bitch, and it looked like Ailinn would meet that bitch right now. Amaya was not a mean person, quite the contrary to be honest. But what Ailinn probably did not know was that the young girl got more lively and interested in sensual contacts after she had been restrained and made to cum once. Neither did she have superhuman stamina or regenerative strength. But she did have passion, will, some acting talent and maybe the worst of it all for the Irish she had a little time to rest while her opponent had been styling and profiling.

And she had already heard the little tirade Ailinn was sprouting out. When her star was sinking, then a bully like her did always falter, she had seen it countless times in prison. And then her logic had a fatal flaw, a flaw that she had brought upon herself by degrading the maiko some minutes ago.
”Nothing would save me from you anyway, Ailinn-sama. You have no decency or mercy in you. It was yourself who showed that to me.”
She replied in a timid but determined voice. She was well aware that the other girl would furiously come down upon her when she would eventually be free again, but until then she would have her way with her.

So when she had securely tied the writs of Ailinn together, she would loosen the second ribbon on her hair and bend sideward and as far forward as she could so that she could tie the ribbon over the eyes of the Irish.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:21 pm

Ailinn was someone who wouldn't be on the receiving end of some domination in the bedroom but she had to maintain her in ring persona and that was being quite difficult since Amaya had the greenette at her mercy right now.

The Irish could not explain how could the Maiko go from completely subjugated to combatant and rebelious like she was at the moment. There was obviously something fueling this woman that the Conqueror failed to spot earlier and now she was going to pay a fair price for that.

She getting bound was very bad news but at least as long as Amaya was focused in securing the bindings she wasn't applying strength in the painful lotus hold. Since moving her hands was an option out of the picture now that they were tied up Ailinn tried to buck her hips in a weak attempt of shoving her rival off. Then the greenette got nervous again because she couldn't see what her rival was planning next. "You are paving the road to your own demise... Ah! What are you...? Ailinn almost broke her calm and menacing tone when she felt a piece pf cloth blindfolding her. Her bucking anf thrashing weren't getting any results as she got more tired and her breathing started ramping up as her body reacted to her being submitted in bonds.


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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Harrier Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:18 am

Amaya had felt the potential power of Ailinn before, and all she could muster now was a weak buck of the hips that was easy to ride out, especially as she had her arms in a tight lotus lock. A good sign. Carefully and dutifully, she would make a nice and tidy loop into the blindfold of her opponent before she would check the bindings on the hands of the Irish for any flaws, drawing them a little bit tighter just to be sure.

Contrary to Ailinn, Amaya was well aware of the power of bad behavior and cutting words. Bad talk had already made many lamb into lions, and the last she could use was a bigger girl that took some courage out from cutting words, bound or not. She also had a plan to make the still struggling Ailinn weak for her touch and fully submit to her.

So she would bend the arms of her opponent with her legs to the left so that one of her breasts would be a little bit lifted from the ground so that the Japanese could grope her with a gentle yet determined grip, then start to rub the nipple there between two fingers.

But the cherry on top of the cake would be her other hand which would first get made a wet finger from her lips and then work her way up from the neck of Ailinn to her mouth where it would gently streak over the lips of the other girl.
”Kissu, Ailinn-sama. Kissu.”
She softly commanded, still gentle but absolutely determined.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

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Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya - Page 4 Empty Re: Evening gown match: Ailinn vs Amaya

Post by Iceman Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:00 pm

Not being able to see a thing was something that Ailinn would have used to build her arousal up in a very different situation, but for this kind of match only caused a major inconvenience as the Conqueror was completely unable to form any kind of defense against Amaya's attacks. The lotus hold was tightly secured procuring her a decent amount of pain on both arms and since Amaya's character had suddenly shifted and she couldn't see what she was doing Ailinn was stepping into uncharted territory, into a mine field to say.

She was doing nothing but pay for her arrogance. Dominating her rivals was one thing but she negectfully thought Amaya as a defenseless little broken thing, and now that same woman was making her have a really bad time. She would have a lot to reflect about when the match is over.

But first she would need to get her predicament to a good ending. The painful lotus hold was enough to take a good bite at her endurance but then Ailinn noticed some shifting in the position and an intruding hand fondling her breast, taking special attention in her nipples. "Ghhhk...aah! nnnnnn!" The Conqueror's body would stand up to attention as her nipples became inmediately stiff under the Maiko's well-versed touch, her mouth letting some saliva slip as moans slipped by.

Right now there was a fierce battle inside the greenette's mind. On one corner stood Imperious yelling that they needed to reascertain control of the match, even if she wasn't sure about how they could do that. On the other corner was Ailinn, who even if she was good at being in character found herself trapped in between some of her most deep fetishes. This part of her was desperatedly claiming that what she was experiencing right now was too good to let it end, even if it costed her greatly.

But then something happened that was going to change her approach to the situation. As Amaya got her wet fingers to the greenette's lips as she was repeating the kiss request in a very different tone Ailinn understood. In the end this wasn't about sexual domination, it was about payback and humiliation. She could take some domination, but she wouldn't break to those vengeful ways since even her as a dominatrix had some principles she would stood up for. She inmediately sealed her lips shut, trying her best to deny the Maiko her satisfaction while controling her moaning until it became only a raspy sound coming from her tightly shut mouth.


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